Rassmann on Swift Boat Veterans for Bush

I have to give the folks at the Wall Street Journal’s OpinionJournal credit for being willing to provide a forum for Jim Rassmann to rebut the lies of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: Shame on the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush.

Josh Micah Marshall says that he’s seen a preview of a study showing that the ad has been effective with independents, which means we can look forward to lots more blatant, shameless lying of this sort. I wonder how long John McCain can continue talking out of both sides of his mouth on this, condemning the ad as dishonest and dishonorable, while campaigning on behalf of the person behind it.

5 Responses to “Rassmann on Swift Boat Veterans for Bush”

  1. rick pietz Says:

    I think that is the most depressing thing about our society today, lies work. Blatant lies work. Just say it and people will believe you. Say it often enough and it becomes the truth. It disgusts me.

    Which is why I’ve always liked your blog name.

  2. Tom a Verteran for Ruth Says:


    Be sure to show your support on our swift forums!

  3. Kay Says:

    Unfortunately Lies do work-and false promises seem to also be effective.

    What an absolutely underhanded, rotten, low ethnic manner for GOP’s to persuade the present military voters, to try and make them question Kerry’s sincerety and honesty.

    Kerry was honest! Seems “TRUTH” is not any longer respected-since, so many have rallied around the “Deceivers” who I gather are buying their voters off with these ridulous Tax Breaks, during a outrageous deficit-and whom are too dumb to realize that if he can get 4 more years-they will pay “DEARLY” in more ways than one!

    As for the misled Christian Conservative sheep-Don’t you think it a bit peculiar, that “Chicken George” attacked Kerry as not being a true conservative-and by the standards he measured a true conservative, that would also apply, to “DEAR Governor/Actor of California as will as his new campaign partner-Senator McCain! “HYPOSCISY” and they buy it-hook, line and sinker.

    All those promises he made, just repeat of former ones-never fulfilled-no real intention on fulfilling them-but, it sounds good-and gather GOP simply aren’t smart, or they again, those permanent tax cuts sounds so delicious-they, are panting over the money they will profit, so they think-until he is re-elected, and can then betray them as nothing to lose after that!

    Anybody with common sense can figure with a deficit greater than any in 75 years-and more each day during this Iraq grave error-mis-judgement-and pre-plotted stragedy to gain power over the Oil reserves there-while using a third world dictator, who was not any present or even near future threat to us.

    We were mislead-War suppose to be on Terror, and I recall he stated during the attack on Afganstan he wasn’t going to bother Iraq-but, then with US adrenlin rush going on the warpath-took advantage of the opportunity. Its a big mess! A real costly ones, in money and lives. Money we need to invest in USA, not on unnessary wars.

    “Atrosities” did occur in Vietnam War. I’m from that era also. Kerry didn’t lie about them in Vietnam. I had a step brother who told me about them, had nightmares, met many men who said the same thing-very psychological disturbed after having had to kill women and children-they simply couldn’t risk questioning rather they were “Gooks” or not? (“Gooks” is what the soldiers referred to them as). During battle, you had to simply “Kill” anything that appeared a potential threat. Its disturbing. Its ugly and why we shouldn’t put our men in war-unless absolutely all other options have failed-and there is a VALID, threat to us. I worked at VA hospital, saw the mangled bodies, and psychological distress they suffered. Many with “no legs” left. Half a body.

    Kerry saw this also. He saw it was “Politically” motivated-which is why he protested after the war. But, while on duty, he like others, did as he had to do-and its WRONG to try and discredit him-when “Chicken George” biggest act of so-called bravery-was to stand on pile of rubble in NYC, (where he had convention-to stimulate all the memories-that in itself-I felt disrepectful-and yeah-insensitive).
    Then “Chicken George” declares a War on Afganstan, although, most terrorist were “Saudis” but, then, afterall he has close ties with Saudi Family, including the Bin Laden clan-co-business partners.

    Do some research if you don’t believe it-its in his bibliography. Anyway, Chicken George, isn’t the one fighting it-our Men are-they are ones who have to leave their homes, families, even national guard over there-often at expense of their jobs here-accepting reduced pay.

    So, its disappointing that lies are more easily accepted by people, than truth nowdays. I myself feel its due to desire for some sort of personal gain having “Chicken George”. Again, those “Tax Cuts” he keeps mentioning, seems to be his “ACE IN THE HOLE” play.

    But, listen you sheep, your being led straight to the slaughter house, so better “Wake-Up” soon.


  4. Donna cunningham Says:

    I find it interesting that they convict Kerry for lies. but no one bothers to question why Bush never finished his term of service. he never went to Vietman nor has he admitted to it. he is a lier and and has cheated the american people now he wats to help us for four years all his done is lie to us and send our men and women to diue for his provate war. We have lost jobs. We have lost our homes. Millions have no medical insurance. Yet we are supposed to believe he will now help us. How can the American people be so stupid to vote for him again those swift boat vets are liers and cowards. i am ashamed to call them vets..

  5. Anonymous Says:

    You have a good site, i enjoyed my stay!

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