Drum on Anonymous on Bush Losing the War

Kevin Drum has a brief blurb about an upcoming book in which an anonymous US intelligence officer says Bush is blowing it bigtime: Losing the war.

The book’s author points out that bin Laden might engineer a terrorist attack late in the presidential campaign in an effort to keep Bush in office, and Drum points out that he suggested the same thing two weeks ago, in a post titled the Osama factor.

Heh. Long-suffering lies.com readers will recall that I wrote the same thing more than nine months ago: How Bush could get (re-)elected.

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2 Responses to “Drum on Anonymous on Bush Losing the War”

  1. Steffen Says:

    MAny people have been saying this ever since the Iraq war started to go terribly wrong for the U.S. For those of us not directly involved in the conflict, that means November 2003 when our casualty rates started to pick up. The Iraq war might become a liability for Bush, and so we asked: if they were so dirty in 2000, what will they come up with in 2004 to stay in power? So we speculated that the administration would privately gloat over another terror attack, because this would scare the bejesus out of most uninformed Americans who are subtly taught to believe that a vote for Kerry is a vote for Osama. And we knew Osama must be happy with the way things are going since the Iraq war. So why does the CIA come out so long after the rest of us suspected this all along? There’s nothing new, informative or shocking about what Anonymous is asserting. God help us if we and Anonymous are right.

  2. Anonymous Says:

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