Condoleeza Rice: Still Doing Her Job

President Bush, fiddling around in Crawford while Iraq burns, thinks Condoleeza Rice did a “great job” in her appearance before the 9/11 commission. Which she did indeed do: she clearly was well-coached, well-rehearsed, and used that preparation to good effect, neutralizing hostile questioning with long, torturous responses that obscured and deflected any hint of responsibility for her, and Bush’s, failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks.

For some choice examples of Rice’s spin in action, see this hilarious item from William Saletan in Slate: LexiCondi.

Remember when national security advisors were actually responsible for advising the president on matters of national security? Lucky for us the nation doesn’t currently face any serious threats along those lines, or Rice’s 24/7 focus on political damage control might get in the way of her real job.

2 Responses to “Condoleeza Rice: Still Doing Her Job”

  1. alex Says:

    Yeah, if I were Bush, I’d be happy with the job she did, too. Rice didn’t make any monumental blunders and the whole thing distracted from the fact that he won’t be facing the commission alone in front of the world like she did.

    That and he didn’t have to give up a day of vacation time.

  2. John Watson Says:

    It doesn’t matter who’s in office, there would be a place to bash them.
    I’m going to bash you now:
    Do all of you idiots really believe that anyone knew about 9/11 and did nothing to prevent it?
    Our government and our policies are responsible, not any one person or cabinet.
    We, the USA, allow thousands of immigrants and foreigners to enter our borders every day. Anyone could have hijacked an airline, just as they did in the 70’s.
    Our country (government) needs to close it’s borders and implement better entry policies. We get involved in Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, Haiti, on and on, and now almost every state has a “Little Saigon”, a “Korea Town”, a “Little Havana”, “Jamaican Queens”, etc etc etc. Every stinking President, since the minority vote counted, has been lax on immigration. Don’t waste your time bashing the current cabinet; you should be worrying about what the good ole USA will be in 50 years. I can’t drive 20 minutes in any direction without getting in a traffic jam with illegal Mexican immigrants, or invasions of Vietnamese, Koreans, and in other regions of our USA, Cubans, Haitians, Jamaicans, etc etc etc. When does it end? When will our welfare system collapse? Agree or disagree, this country is the best country in world history to go down the toilet at it’s own hands.

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