Clift: The Man Behind the Curtain

Eleanor Clift of Newsweek offers the following: The Wizard of Oz letter:

This was the week the curtain got pulled back on the Bush presidency. In exchange for allowing Condoleezza Rice to testify under oath, President Bush gets to bring along his vice president when he appears  privately before the commission.

A top Republican strategist dubbed the legal document striking the unusual deal “the Wizard of Oz letter” because it strips away the myth that Bush is in charge.

There’s lots more, all of it good.

5 Responses to “Clift: The Man Behind the Curtain”

  1. Adam Says:

    I watched the Fox News roundtable discussion this morning, as I do every Sunday. (I like to keep tabs on what the right-wingers are talking about and how they are talking about it.) Right off the bat Juan Williams made some sort of “Geppetto and Pinocchio” reference about Bush and Cheney testifying together, and all the right-wingers on the panel, including Bill Kristol, laughed heartily. I wonder if even these guys are starting to be amazed at what this administration is able to get away with.

  2. Tony Lancia Says:

    The Wizard of Oz isn’t proper.It’s more like

    Edgar Bergen(Cheney) and Charlie McCarthy(his boss)

  3. Tony Lancia Says:

    The Wizard of Oz isn’t proper.It’s more like

    Edgar Bergen(Cheney) and Charlie McCarthy(his boss)

  4. bubba clinton Says:

    History will show this President had the largest balls of any other!

  5. Bush for President Says:

    It’s nice to see that you left wingers are up on your checks and balances knowledge…NOT! It’s easy to understand that the president cannot and should not put himself into a submissive position to any other branch of the government. This is precisely why the balance of powers exists. Exactly the reason why they cannot “make” him go testify to the commission. He is voluntarily going whether you want to admit that or not. Asking to have his closest advisor next to Ms. Rice with him is simply smart, so that there is a more equal presence in the metting. Having a panel on one side is ok, but having the President of the U.S. along with his V.P. is not? Please! I am looking forward to the testimony of the president before the commission since it will dispell all of the ridiculous rumors that have been circulating due to the bitterness of one Dick Clarke. I believe Ms. Rice showed that very clearly this morning with her words.

    What a prediciment it is today to be a democrat…you need the economy to fail (except it’s now booming higher than in any recent times), and you need to have our homeland security and counter terrorist actions to fail. Without those things happening you simply have nothing to run on in this election because it would mean that the president was correct with his policy decisions. Any American who wants their country to suffer militarily and economically should be sent over to Iraq to die with the rest of the Islamic terrorists, for you serve no use to your own country as a group that seems driven to win an election rather than succeed as a country.

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