Klein: What the Commission Should Ask Bush About 9/11

From Time’s Joe Klein comes this excellent set of questions that Bush should be required to answer about 9/11: Bush and 9/11: What we need to know.

3 Responses to “Klein: What the Commission Should Ask Bush About 9/11”

  1. Rick Says:

    Yep. Those are pretty damn good questions, but I’d add a couple. Why was there such a delay in getting air force jet fighters into the air following the second tower impact? How did we allow the events to continue long enough for an attack to occur in DC (Pentagon)? Who was reponsible for air defense of the US that day?

    “And, since you are a stand up guy, who calls your own shots, why were you flying all over the country, instead of getting to a command headquarters? Why did you finish reading a book to elementary school students when you were aware that we were under attack? What was your thinking?”

  2. mark Says:

    Excellent article, and excellent questions…er, with the possible exception of this one…

    “why were you flying all over the country, instead of getting to a command headquarters?”

    This is standard operating procedure, it’s much tougher to hit a moving target. No, seriously, I’m as anti-Bush as well…anyone. But regardless of who occupies the office, the secret service would try to shove them on a plane (or deep in a bunker) and get them to safety.

  3. Steve Wilder Says:

    As far as I understand it, Air Force One -is- a flying command headquarters.

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