Fox Reality Show Creators Plumb New Depths

Never having actually watched a reality show, I’m probably not the person to be reporting on this development. But I still found it interesting when Bravo brought the following to my attention: Fox Woos Viewers with ‘Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance’.

The series marks the latest creation from Fox reality TV guru Mike Darnell, the man behind last year’s “Joe Millionaire,” the more recent hit “The Simple Life” and the highly rated but controversial Fox special from the year 2000, “Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?”

He said of all the reality programs he’s done, “Fiance” proved the most intense and was “the closest we’ve ever come to not completing a television show.”

“The family’s reaction is more than we ever could have imagined that it would be,” Darnell told Reuters. “It was very difficult for them, and that made it extraordinarily difficult for her. … It’s hysterical.”

I dunno. There’s something just horribly decadent/disgusting-sounding to me about this. It’s like the networks are in some kind of a race to see who can be the first to reach the absolute nadir of human creative output. Today’s Onion article becomes tomorrow’s reality show (and the day-after-tomorrows’ tired ratings bomb).

Truly, the End is Nigh.

4 Responses to “Fox Reality Show Creators Plumb New Depths”

  1. a_stupid_box Says:

    At first, when I saw the ads for this show, I thought, “Hey, FOX is mocking itself and this endless stream of reality television trash!”

    Then the harsh reality set in that this wasn’t a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the state of entertainment, but an actual show.

    But I’ve realized what’s happening — network TV is making itself more and more unwatchable to improve the revenue of cable/sattelite companies. It’s a conspiracy I tell you!

    To the crazies — insert descriptions of microtransmitters embedded in the rented cable/sattelite equipment where needed to impress your nutjob friends as you’ll obviously claim this idea as your own.

    To the government — If I’m right, whatever you do, I’d like an open casket.

  2. Hossman Says:

    I saw the Ad for this last night … it’s basically a rip off on Joe Schmo (where (some) participants think it’s a reality show, but most are actors). they just decided to lose all of the other stereo-types and stick with “The Obnoxious Guy”

    This doesn’t seem nearly as bad as a reality show i just saw while i was down in australia: “Wife Swap”

    That’s right … it’s exactly what it sounds like. Two families (with kids) swap wives for some amount of time, and they film all the interactions. of course, one family is very well off and proper, and one family is … less culturally refined.

    I also read about a new reality show being planned (in an australian paper, not sure what countries it will air in) about an “Anti-Reality” show, in which a dozen single people will be sent to an island paradise resort, and the only rule is — there are no rules. no contests, no challenges, no tribes, no voting … they just get to live out their lives on camera, for as long as they are being entertaining and getting good ratings. If the network ecides that any one cast member isn’t entertaining, they can kick them out and bring in someone new. if the whole show isn’t entertaining … they’ll cancel the show.

    The writter called it “the first reality soap opera” … the producers are calling it an anti-reality show because they don’t want it to be anything like real life .. they want these people to live the ultimate fantasy, full of unbelievable behavior, so people will find it fascinating and keep watching.

  3. Palolo lolo Says:

    Sure is easy to not watch tv these days-trash for idiots

  4. fox fan Says:

    as long as people watch the drivel produced by stations, and advertisers support the effort, we will be assailed by what the producers swear passes for “entertainment”. The part they need to learn quickly is the demographics they appeal to cannot afford what advertisers offer. Those folks who watch tv for a living do not reflect the views of the mainstream. I dont watch shows like that. I never will, unless of course, they bill it for what it truly is in reality, a wonderful cure for insomnia.

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