Doolittle on the WaPo on Bush on the Malaysian Prime Minister on God

Here’s an interesting comment by Jerome Doolittle, who points to a Washington Post editorial that points out the double standard inherent in Bush sharply criticizing the religious bigotry of Malayasian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, while letting pass without comment the religious bigotry of General Jerry Boykin: God works in really, really mysterious ways.

As an aside, I can’t write anything about the Malaysian prime minister without having that brainwashing sequence from Zoolander flash through my head, with Will Ferrell repeatedly exhorting me to “kill the Malaysian prime minister! Kill the Malaysian prime minister!” Thank you, Ben Stiller.

One Response to “Doolittle on the WaPo on Bush on the Malaysian Prime Minister on God”

  1. Darren Says:

    i know that scene – it went through my mind too.

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