Josh Micah Marshall on Bush’s Lies

Here’s a long, but exceptionally good, article on everyone’s favorite Bullshit-Artist-in-Chief: The post-modern president. It’s by Josh Micah Marshall of Talking Points Memo.

10 Responses to “Josh Micah Marshall on Bush’s Lies”

  1. Sandi Says:

    JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the President of the United States. Stop it!! if you were president, you’d be a poor excuse, but I would respect you as long as you would be president. You don’t deserve to be an American, it’s people like you and Molly Ivins that should be in the front lines

    or better yet been born in Irque. You don’t have an ounce of love for God, apple pie and America.

    What poor excuses of critics you both are.You cry babies. When we were in Germany helping the Germans and the Jewish people, thousands of Americans died and nobody hated the President, he

    was a Democrat but in those days Democrats were known for their integreity and had plenty of emo

    in what they had to say unfortunately there is very few great Democrats left because the good ones that do exsist are destroyed by the

    bunch of Democ—-rats! you have become. No sense of respect for others or love for humanity. I wish you and others that agree with you and Molly Ivins should have a party get drunk and kick

    each other until you are black and blue. You don’t

    deserve to live on Planet Earth! May God forgive

    you. God will bless Presiden Bush and America, you just wait and see, the best is yet to come.

  2. Sandi Says:

    JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the President of the United States. Stop it!! if you were president, you’d be a poor excuse, but I would respect you as long as you would be president. You don’t deserve to be an American, it’s people like you and Molly Ivins that should be in the front lines

    or better yet been born in Irque. You don’t have an ounce of love for God, apple pie and America.

    What poor excuses of critics you both are.You cry babies. When we were in Germany helping the Germans and the Jewish people, thousands of Americans died and nobody hated the President, he

    was a Democrat but in those days Democrats were known for their integreity and had plenty of emo

    in what they had to say unfortunately there is very few great Democrats left because the good ones that do exsist are destroyed by the

    bunch of Democ—-rats! you have become. No sense of respect for others or love for humanity. I wish you and others that agree with you and Molly Ivins should have a party get drunk and kick

    each other until you are black and blue. You don’t

    deserve to live on Planet Earth! May God forgive

    you. God will bless Presiden Bush and America, you just wait and see, the best is yet to come.

  3. Sandi Says:

    JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the President of the United States. Stop it!! if you were president, you’d be a poor excuse, but I would respect you as long as you would be president. You don’t deserve to be an American, it’s people like you and Molly Ivins that should be in the front lines

    or better yet been born in Irque. You don’t have an ounce of love for God, apple pie and America.

    What poor excuses of critics you both are.You cry babies. When we were in Germany helping the Germans and the Jewish people, thousands of Americans died and nobody hated the President, he

    was a Democrat but in those days Democrats were known for their integreity and had plenty of emo

    in what they had to say unfortunately there is very few great Democrats left because the good ones that do exsist are destroyed by the

    bunch of Democ—-rats! you have become. No sense of respect for others or love for humanity. I wish you and others that agree with you and Molly Ivins should have a party get drunk and kick

    each other until you are black and blue. You don’t

    deserve to live on Planet Earth! May God forgive

    you. God will bless Presiden Bush and America, you just wait and see, the best is yet to come.

  4. Sandi Says:

    JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the President of the United States. Stop it!! if you were president, you’d be a poor excuse, but I would respect you as long as you would be president. You don’t deserve to be an American, it’s people like you and Molly Ivins that should be in the front lines

    or better yet been born in Irque. You don’t have an ounce of love for God, apple pie and America.

    What poor excuses of critics you both are.You cry babies. When we were in Germany helping the Germans and the Jewish people, thousands of Americans died and nobody hated the President, he

    was a Democrat but in those days Democrats were known for their integreity and had plenty of emo

    in what they had to say unfortunately there is very few great Democrats left because the good ones that do exsist are destroyed by the

    bunch of Democ—-rats! you have become. No sense of respect for others or love for humanity. I wish you and others that agree with you and Molly Ivins should have a party get drunk and kick

    each other until you are black and blue. You don’t

    deserve to live on Planet Earth! May God forgive

    you. God will bless Presiden Bush and America, you just wait and see, the best is yet to come.

  5. Sandi Says:

    JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the President of the United States. Stop it!! if you were president, you’d be a poor excuse, but I would respect you as long as you would be president. You don’t deserve to be an American, it’s people like you and Molly Ivins that should be in the front lines

    or better yet been born in Irque. You don’t have an ounce of love for God, apple pie and America.

    What poor excuses of critics you both are.You cry babies. When we were in Germany helping the Germans and the Jewish people, thousands of Americans died and nobody hated the President, he

    was a Democrat but in those days Democrats were known for their integreity and had plenty of emo

    in what they had to say unfortunately there is very few great Democrats left because the good ones that do exsist are destroyed by the

    bunch of Democ—-rats! you have become. No sense of respect for others or love for humanity. I wish you and others that agree with you and Molly Ivins should have a party get drunk and kick

    each other until you are black and blue. You don’t

    deserve to live on Planet Earth! May God forgive

    you. God will bless Presiden Bush and America, you just wait and see, the best is yet to come.

  6. Sandi Says:

    JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the President of the United States. Stop it!! if you were president, you’d be a poor excuse, but I would respect you as long as you would be president. You don’t deserve to be an American, it’s people like you and Molly Ivins that should be in the front lines

    or better yet been born in Irque. You don’t have an ounce of love for God, apple pie and America.

    What poor excuses of critics you both are.You cry babies. When we were in Germany helping the Germans and the Jewish people, thousands of Americans died and nobody hated the President, he

    was a Democrat but in those days Democrats were known for their integreity and had plenty of emo

    in what they had to say unfortunately there is very few great Democrats left because the good ones that do exsist are destroyed by the

    bunch of Democ—-rats! you have become. No sense of respect for others or love for humanity. I wish you and others that agree with you and Molly Ivins should have a party get drunk and kick

    each other until you are black and blue. You don’t

    deserve to live on Planet Earth! May God forgive

    you. God will bless Presiden Bush and America, you just wait and see, the best is yet to come.

  7. Sandi Says:

    JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is the President of the United States. Stop it!! if you were president, you’d be a poor excuse, but I would respect you as long as you would be president. You don’t deserve to be an American, it’s people like you and Molly Ivins that should be in the front lines

    or better yet been born in Irque. You don’t have an ounce of love for God, apple pie and America.

    What poor excuses of critics you both are.You cry babies. When we were in Germany helping the Germans and the Jewish people, thousands of Americans died and nobody hated the President, he

    was a Democrat but in those days Democrats were known for their integreity and had plenty of emo

    in what they had to say unfortunately there is very few great Democrats left because the good ones that do exsist are destroyed by the

    bunch of Democ—-rats! you have become. No sense of respect for others or love for humanity. I wish you and others that agree with you and Molly Ivins should have a party get drunk and kick

    each other until you are black and blue. You don’t

    deserve to live on Planet Earth! May God forgive

    you. God will bless Presiden Bush and America, you just wait and see, the best is yet to come.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    u da man

  9. Anonymous Says:

    u da man

  10. john swnason Says:

    More Bush lies have surfaced today which prove that Bush pressured the CIA to go along with his proofs that a war with Iraq was imperative. He had no real proof but used his power as Presdient to get what he wanted and mislead Congress. Now it is shown that these things we were told to convince us to go to war were false.

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