How To Survive (a little longer) in a Black Hole

The good folks at Science News have a little blurb about “two researchers who actually took the time to contemplate” whether or not there was anyway to delay death while falling into a blackhole. Their solution is a Blackhole LIfe Preserver — which would look just like a life preserver you’d find on a boat, except it needs to be the mass of a large asteroid. Assuming you wear this thing arround your waist, and point your feet (or your head) straight at the blackhole while falling, the gravity the life preserve exerts on you will counteract teh forces of the blackhole and prolonging your life a little while (about 0.09 second) — allowing you to fall a little closer to the hole before rips you to pieces. The whole process has the added bonus of making you get shredded faster once you are torn atom from atom, so you will suffer less. Thank goodness for that.

The article doesn’t mention how exactly you are supposed to go about the process of putting on a life preserver that ways as much as an asteroid — so your milage may very.

(Props to my buddy dave who showed me this article durring our commuting)

3 Responses to “How To Survive (a little longer) in a Black Hole”

  1. Tuesday Says:

    Thanks for the article. Black holes are becoming such a problem these days. It’s all about taking the offensive when you encounter these bloodthirsty little beasties during your travails through warp speed.

  2. claire Says:

    i loved this article!!! i am going to use this for my current events project!!! thanks a lot!!! u guys {and girls} rock!!!

  3. anthy Says:

    Black holes are scary to fall in. I mean, if your soul weighs 21 grams, will you be trapped in there forever? BTW, black holes are black because they have so much gravity that they suck up and absorb light- which in itself has a slight mass.

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