Tenet’s October Speech-Laundering

So, today’s headline, following logically on yesterday’s, is that Tenet, who wants to take the blame for having failed to tell Bush about the problems with the Nigerian yellowcake allegations in time to take those infamous “16 words” out of the State of the Union address, actually successfully intervened with the White House to get similar allegations removed from a speech Bush made three months earlier. Oops.

From the Boston Globe: CIA chief sought to block talk of Iraq arms, aides say.

Every day the story stays in the headlines Bush drops in the polls. Cool. Hm. Who’s scheduled to appear on Meet the Press today? Rumsfeld and Bob Graham? So that sounds like we’ll get quagmire and the 9/11 cover-up, rather than Nigergate, but that should still be good for another point or two on the “Do you support the president?” question.

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