Voting at

So, I cast my ballot in the early “primary” at While it’s true my early money was (and still is, probably, if I’m betting) on Kerry, I voted for Dean. That was partly due to Adam’s positive influence. It was also the result of a Faustian pact between my naive/hopeful side and my cynical side. The former wanted to vote for the person whose message most closely matches my own feelings. The latter wanted to increase the chances that Dean, generally accepted as the favorite in that race and the candidate who has paid more attention to the net and the blog world than any other, would win 50% of the MoveOn vote, qualifying him for their endorsement and money, thereby validating the significance of the net in the realm of national politics, a realm that has historically treated it as slightly less important than any given local AARP chapter.

Oh, and also thanks to Adam, check out the merry pranksters at Republicans for Sharpton. I’d seen some previous mention of the same notion, that some right-wingers would attempt to influence the MoveOn primary by registering and voting for those whose ideas they find most laughable. Hey. More power to you, guys.

3 Responses to “Voting at”

  1. MetroSpy Says:

    I’m glad we’ve been able to amuse you. We’re providing a public service.

    – Metro

  2. buckfush Says:


    (put this link in a browser at work and at a public library and leave the page showing. Make it a browser favorite too)


    I have started the Buy nothing on Fridays movement.

    The Buy nothing Friday movement will work this way.

    You will tell your friends and family and colleagues who do not use the net, to avoid buying anything on Fridays. You and everyone you speak to will tell their merchants that we do not support the chimp and we’re going on a purchasing strike on every Friday until the Nov 2004 election. You also tell them that you hope they will do everything they can to help vote the chimp out and their republican congresspeople out in 2004.

    You will tell your friends, family and merchants If the chimp steals another election or somehow wins, you will also avoid purchasing items on Thursday and this will inflict more punishment on them for not doing enough to unseat the chimp in the 2004 election.

    Boycott the LA Dodgers, Arnold’s movies, the Viper Car Alarm, Disneyland until Arnold resigns leaving Cruz Bustamante to serve as Governor.

    Spread the word.

    Boycott the LA Dodgers, Arnold’s movies, the Viper Car Alarm, Disneyland until Arnold resigns leaving Cruz Bustamante to serve as Governor.

    Do not go to any games where the LA Dodgers appear as visitors or at home and tell the Dodgers you will see their games after they get Arnold to resign. Browse and send them email from their website telling them to get Arnold to resign or you will not see their games.

    Browse these websites and email them from their site that you will not buy nor rent Arnold’s movies from the video store. makers of the Viper Car Alarm once owned by Darrell Issa and email them from their website that you will not buy the Viper Car alarm. and email from their website that you will not go to Disney Land.

    You will refrain from doing business with these 4 entities until Arnold Schwarzenegger resigns leaving Cruz Bustamante to take office as Governor.

    Stop the Republican Texas redistricting effort.

    Call JC Penney Corporate Headquarters in Plano, Texas and tell them unless they get Governor Goodhair Perry to stop redistricting until 2010 when it should happen again, you will not set foot in another JC Penney Store again.


    So let it get written, so let it get done.

    Call them at 1-800-322-1189



    “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

    – John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 – )

  3. Evan Says:

    Hello, I just wanted to say you have a very informative site which really made me think, thanks very much! Have a nice Day!!


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