Latest WMD Developments

It’s interesting to watch the process play out. Isolated bitching is turning into a steady chorus: Bush and the members of his team lied shamelessly to exaggerate the Iraqi WMD threat in the months before the war. Those making these claims don’t just have a “smoking gun,” they have a whole smoking arsenal.

Bush, on the other hand, has bupkis, and has begun the process of backtracking. Answering questions during one of those Reagan-esque not-quite-a-press-conference exchanges that allows him to pick and choose a question or two to answer, then feign deafness to follow-ups, Bush said yesterday he remains “absolutely convinced” that we will uncover evidence that Iraq had a “weapons program.” Not weapons, mind you, but a weapons program. He used the phrase three times in one brief response. From the LA Times: Bush tempers talk of weapons.

Right. But see, that wasn’t what you said, repeatedly, emphatically, and without qualification, in selling the war.

Checking in with the columnists: From Robert Scheer: Bad Iraq data from start to finish. From Paul Krugman: Who’s accountable? And from Geov Parrish: The impeachable offense.

One Response to “Latest WMD Developments”

  1. dumb liberal Says:

    you are a pathetic retard. open your eyes to the world you stupid asshole. clinton would have planted weapons by now fuckface….

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