Is Bush Serious?

After looking more like a fratboy at a kegger than a sober statesman in most of the images to come out of the European stops on his current trip, Bush apparently got serious upon arriving in the Middle East. He reportedly met with five Arab leaders with only translaters (and no handlers!) present, and was so caught up in this whole “leader of the free world” thing (or is it religious fervor?) that he persisted in speaking his own words even when Egyptian TV cameras were rolling (though apparently that was an accident). Anyway, interesting stuff. From the NYT: On camera but unaware, Bush displays his fervor.

One Response to “Is Bush Serious?”

  1. Ken Says:

    Why are so many people living poor but voted rich. I these people voted with what they had. A short attention span and only believing in what they were told not researching both sides. It should have been pretty easy because President Bush was an incumbent or don’t people pay attention to whom they vote for?

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