Streisand Sues California Coastal Records Project

Barbra Steisand is really annoying sometimes. At the moment, because she’s suing the California Coastal Records Project. It seems she resents the fact that multimillionaire Kenneth Adelman included her Malibu estate in his exhaustive, and extemely cool, catalog of coastal images, intended as a tool for anti-development forces that need to be able to document illegal coastal development.

Anyway, read about it in this LA Times article: Streisand sues over photograph of her coast home on web site. And be sure to go to the page that displays her estate, so her obnoxious legal effort will be guaranteed to have the exact opposite effect of what the privacy-obsessed diva intended.

Update: More detail from on the history of their interaction with Babs.

3 Responses to “Streisand Sues California Coastal Records Project”

  1. Charles Buell Says:

    Streisand said that she would move to Canada if Bush was elected. Why is she still in the U.S.? Wouldn’t Canada take her?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    In your free time, check the pages about… Thanks!!!

  3. Robert Says:

    Any movie star who would act in a movie called “Meet the Fockers is pretty Lame, what a bone head movie, and as for her charging exccesively high ticket prices for her concerts, who the F*#? does she think she is?? John Lennon she ain’t !!!!

    $40.oo per adult would be acceptable for her type of performer, I mean you can see Brian Wilson for under $200.oo dollars and he’s a living legend !!!!! What Iconic song did Streisand ever write…..Ziiiipppppoooooooo!!!!

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