Gumbel on the WMD Shell Game

The Independent’s Andrew Gumbel has a nice wrap-up on the current state of the Great Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction Hunt: America targeted 14,000 sites. So where are the weapons of mass destruction? The upshot: the WMDs aren’t there. Breathless newsbreaks from Bush’s Ministers of Information at Fox notwithstanding, there are no signs yet of anything other than the scattered debris of the pre-Gulf War I weapons program.

With rumors having surfaced (apparently courtesy the straight shooters in the Israeli intelligence community) that the WMDs have in fact been spirited away to Syria, Gumbel wonders how long it will be before this is trotted out as the justification for the next invasion:

Disarmament experts do not give the claim much credence. After all, any suspicious convoy or mobile laboratory would almost certainly be spotted by US planes or spy satellites and bombed long before it reached Syria.

But the notion does provide the hawks in Washington with a compelling plot device not unlike the McGuffin factor in Alfred Hitchcock’s films – a catalyst that may or may not have significance in itself but that gets the suspense going and keeps the story rolling.

If the Bush administration should ever seek to turn its military wrath on Damascus, the weapons of mass destruction it is failing to find in Iraq might just provide the excuse once again.

I guess it’s a good thing my tiny little mind couldn’t keep track of what our actual stated reason for going to war was during those tumultuous days leading up to the invasion. Because if I had been able to keep track of that, I’d probably be getting pretty annoyed by now, as it becomes increasingly clear that the whole war was predicated on a lie.

2 Responses to “Gumbel on the WMD Shell Game”

  1. will Says:

    speaking of lies in the media, and fox’s “ministry of information” …

    please check this out and consider posting it on the site

  2. josh Says:

    while we’re in the war conflict, check this thing it’s a parody of “Married” (FOx tv show)

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