Mel Gibson’s Got Religion

You’ve probably seen this already, but if not, you’ll need to check it out. Mel Gibson, it seems, is making a movie about the last few hours of Christ’s life, which is nothing particularly new, but he’s going to present it in Latin and Aramaic, without subtitles. Hollywood says he’s crazy, but he’s paying for it himself, so more power to him. Apparently this is related to Mel’s close involvement with an ultra-conservative brand of Catholicism that believes the Vatican II reforms were a mistake; see the linked story for more wacky details.

62 Responses to “Mel Gibson’s Got Religion”

  1. Leslie Says:

    To bad about his religious beliefs. We had always liked him. It is unfortunate that a man like Mr Gibson, isn’t a good role model for us when it comes to radicalism in his religious beliefs.

  2. Mandy Simpson Says:

    It’s great to see someone in hollywood who will actually take a stand for what they believe in. Good for him…since when did we start telling people what to believe and what they can or cannot make a movie about? If it were any other “religious” belief system that was being questioned…people would have a hairy fit! God gave us a choice to believe in him or not…Mel’s made his choice…it’s up to us as individuals to make ours.

    I’m excited to see the movie!!

  3. Laurie Says:

    God bless Mel Gibson for doing what he is doing.We traditional catholics like him are fed up with vatican 2 it’s a disaster.His movie The Passion sounds great.I can’t wait to see it.The reason why usccb (us conference of Catholic Bishops is giving him a hard time about this is because they know him as a celebrity is powerful and people by seeing that movie it’s a big possibility they’ll return to tradition and the real mass and abandon the novus ordo.Which I hope happens Because Novus ordo Is blasphemous.

    P.S Good luck Mel if you read this were behind you!Maybe your next project should be on Father Kramer’s book The DEvil’s Final Battle.I can’t go into details but it’s all about the corruption of Vatican 2 and all Catholics should read and even better have a movie on it.

    Your traditional catholic friend Laurie

  4. Joanne Says:

    This is exciting! Mel Gibson has always been one of my favorite actors, but some of the movies with language and violence etc., have left me sour. I am so proud, as a Christian, that he is taking on this challenge. I pray that it opens the eyes of the blind and sets the captive free! Never mind the contraversy over Vatican 2/3 – this is a depiction of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That is not religion-based, it is faith based. There will be many who spend time arguing over whether it should or should not be done. This faith is a free choice – God made it that way. However, this statement I must make “you can believe or not believe – but in the final analysis, if this was not the Messiah and it did not happen the way the Word says, you have lost nothing in believing – if it did happen this way, and you don’t believe, you have lost everything.” I believe and thank God for Mel Gibson’s courage. I am praying for you.

  5. Matt H. Says:

    Where is the support from the Hollywood that went way out of it’s way to support Martin Scorcese’s version of Jesus? Does Mel not have the same right to make a film based on his personal faith? As far as being offensive, it’s just the retelling of a 2000 year old story in a language that most people can’t understand anyway. How shocking can this be? It’s the passion play that is retold by every Christian religion out there. It’s the core of the faith. It amazes me to see how people are still so passionately against an historical figure who walked the earth thousands of years ago preaching love. I think the decision to tell the story in the language of the time is actually quite a fresh approach. I applaud Mel and would have found another Lethal Weapon sequel much more offensive to my intellect.

  6. steve Says:

    Being brought up Roman Catholic I am happy to see Mr. Gibson standing up for what he believes in. Unfortunately, Vatican II had many negative effects not only on the Church but on society as a whole. As a relatively young person, 39, I am very pleased in the position that Mr. Gibson and his father have taken.

    Roman Catholicism needs people like the Gibsons’ to wake them up.

    Also, please remember that Anti-Christianity is the only acceptable form of bias still considered acceptable in todays society.

  7. Danny Says:

    I think people are putting a much too religious aspect of interpreting what Mel is trying to do with this movie. This is a story that most historical scholars believe happened, and Mel is trying to tell it in the most accurate way he can, taking his cues from the most authentic historical text in history, the Bible. For those who bash Mel’s conservative views, see the movie first, as a person who loves his art I believe he will try and make this film accessible to everyone, and stay true to the telling by going by the gospels, not a personal and (to some people) obscure religious philosophy.

  8. Jon Says:

    When one sees the violent response that Muslims in the Mideast today have to any form of blaspheme, one gets a snapshot of how fervent Jews 2000 years ago probably felt about Jesus’ claim to be God. Of course they would have demanded Jesus’ death, as they would have stoned an adulteress, or they would not have been true to their faith. What zealous people have done out of the ardor of faith in the past should not be whitewashed, but at the same time, it doesn’t mean they were evil. They weren’t us. They actually tried to follow God’s commands as set forth in their scriptures.

  9. Doug Says:

    It is amazing to see the reaction of society to this film even before it has been fully completed (still being edited). What are they really afraid of?

  10. DJ Says:

    I’m a believer in Christ Jesus too, and I only have one thing to say to Mel Gibson,……… YOU GO BOY!!!!!!! may GOD be with you.

  11. JK Says:

    Mel- everyone I’ve spoken with and/or heard on the radio or the TV who has seen the pre-screening of your film says it is AWESOME and POWERFUL. Can’t wait to see it. Hang in there.

  12. JIGMinistries Says:

    We the Pastors of JIGMinistries has mixed feelings about a movie about Jesus done by a catholic. To all do respect we know catholics pray to Mary and dead saints, which is against the Word of God. But, we also know of movies that Mr. Gibson has done that is not of God whatsoever. So, we ask is this movie about leading others to Christ or is this movie about making money? We are not against Mel Gibson in any way. And this money that was spent on this movie sure could of been used for the lest of them. Hollywood has made millions off glorifying satan and deceiving people. The Lord can choose whatsoever vessel He chooses and Satan uses vessels also. But only God knows what is in Mr. Gibson’s heart, but we are to be fruit inspectors and we can pray it is to led others to Christ. As far as the Jews to blame for Christ’s death, they are, as well as the Romans, but the Lord Jesus gave up His own life for others and it was Jesus choice because He loves us. We do wonder what if a satanist done a movie about Jesus would this be okay? There are many unbelievers that get bibles published for the money and do not believe. Not all who say Lord! Lord! are of God. And not all “movie stars or movie directors or writers” of “chirstian movies” are of God, they do it for the money. You can see them in one movie all “goldly” then in another movie serving satan and sin. The love of money is the root of all evil!

  13. Jon Says:

    I also have questioned how Mel Gibson can do the movies he’s done and yet claim to be a devout Catholic. As a Catholic myself, I don’t agree that you can divorce your faith from your work. By the way, we are told in the Bible that we are “surrounded by a cloud of witnesses” and that those who die in Christ are alive in Him. Catholics pray to the living, not the dead, but only to ask that they pray for us beseeching God before His throne on our behalf. It very biblical (check out Revelations). We do not worship Mary, only the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but we do honor her and love her as Jesus honored and loved her.

  14. jane Says:

    I am a traditionalist and did not know the Mr Gibson was one also. I look forward to the film and do hope it is successful. I find it amazing in an era when so few practise the christain faith that people find the time to criticise those who choose to regard the word of the God the Son and take counsel in teaching

  15. Leon Zitzer Says:

    It seems that Mel Gibson will probably deliver a fairly traditional version of the story of Jesus’ death. That means that historical accuracy will not be the point. People pay very little attention to what the Gospels actually say. They prefer their own version and do a severe injustice to the Gospel writers.

    I’ll give just one example here: It is well-established now that the Greek Gospels do not say that Judas betrayed Jesus. “Betray” is a mistranslation of a neutral word which has no connotation of betrayal. We owe this insight to William Klassen’s book “Judas: Betrayer or Friend of Jesus?”. Even Raymond Brown, a conservative, Catholic scholar, insists (his word) that the Greek cannot be translated as betray. In addition, Mark’s Gospel gives Judas no motive, describes no conflict between Jesus and Judas, and does not indicate that there were any recriminations against Judas after the alleged betrayal. This is no way to tell the story of a traitor. Only Klassen has had the courage to fight for a correction to this.

    Repeating the traditional story, as Gibson will probably do, does not take any courage at all.

    There is so much more. If you read the Gospels very carefully, there is a lot in them that contradicts what people “know” from the traditional story. In particular, it is very clear that Jewish leaders did not persecute Jesus. But for 2,000 years, people have bent the Gospels to their own purpose. The Gospel writers did presrve a lot of accurate history, but no one cares to read them for what they actually say.

    I discuss all this & more on my site and blogspot:

  16. Cindy Says:

    ++++++ – sign petition!

    The Anti-Semitism of the Jews

    from the March 1953 issue of The Point

    We, as Catholics, love Jews, — not abstractly, not sociologically, not for the relaxation of ethnic tensions, not for the improvement of race relations. We, as Catholics, love Jews for religious reasons. And since love must be of persons, not of groups, we Catholics can name the Jews whom we love. They are Jesus, Mary and Joseph; Elizabeth, Zachary and John the Baptist; Simeon, Anna and the Twelve Apostles. They are the King of the Jews and the handful of Jewish subjects who remained loyal to Him when mobs of Jews demanded His crucifixion in a wild prophetic shout of “His blood be upon us and upon our children.” For two thousand years now, we gentile Catholics have been eager subjects of the King of the Jews. We have enthroned Him in our chapels and cathedrals. We have taken His virginal mother to be our Queen. We have sent our missionaries to remote gentile lands so that the Kingdom of Jesus, King of the Jews, might cover the entire earth.

    One whole chapter of History is the record of our zeal for the return of Jesus to the Holy Land of His royal Jewish ancestors. As the cost of our children’s prayers and our widows’ tears, we sent our young men to die before the walls of Jerusalem, in those glorious spectacles of faith and folly called the Crusades.

    Out of wood and stone we gave structure to our loyalties. We built the universities of Europe as places where our scholars could train our minds in allegiance to the eternal truths of Jesus and His Kingdom. We built the monasteries and convents of Christendom as havens where our hearts might be pledged in singular fidelity to the King of the Jews.

    As the Gospel was spread, we welcomed new gentile nations, encouraging them to give over to the service of Jesus all they had that was good and beautiful. From our solicitude there grew murals and frescoes, hymns and poetry, Italians madonnas, Spanish crucifixes, and French carols.

    In times of trial and adversity, we are able to present to Christ the King the most royal of our saints for His consolation. Out of the Roman persecutions came the twelve-year-old Agnes, offering her patrician head to the executioner. Out of the Protestant revolt came the nobleman Francis Borgia, spending his final strength for the unity of Christ’s Kingdom.

    Still, as we look back over the centuries on our labors, we are struck by a glaring paradox; the most sustained and ubiquitous opposition we have had to the spreading of the Kingdom of the King of the Jews has come from the Jews themselves. History books are full of the many measures we have had to take in order to guard ourselves against the hatred of Jesus by His own people. Pope Saint Pius V, for the protection of Christians, at one time ordered that all Jews in Rome were to wear bright orange hats, so they might be easily recognizable and, therefore, easily avoidable. The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, made it an impediment to joining their order that an applicant should be of Jewish blood. The situation got so bad in Spain once that the King had to order every Jew who would not become a Catholic to quit the country.

    Because we hold out for Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and try to protect them against other Jews who hate them, we Catholics have left ourselves wide open for that much-wielded present-day stigma, “anti-semitism.” And, indeed, if “anti-semitism” means not loving those who blaspheme the Divinity of Jesus, we plead guilty. If, however, “anti-semitism” means a religious contempt for the King of the Jews and His subjects, then we might well accuse the Jews of it.

    In all the tabernacles of our Catholic churches, there is truly present the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Thus, Jesus remains among us, a constant challenge to the Jews who will not take Him for their King and have chosen rather to take Him for their one profanity: “Jesus Christ!”, in blasphemous ejaculation, echoses through the ghettos of the world. “Jesus!” – the designated name of the messias – a Jewish name to haunt each Jewish generation – a name waiting to be a grace for the dark-eyed girl or boy who will dare to acknowledge his King, who will kneel at our altar-rails and receive into his heart the Fruit of Mary’s Womb, the New Manna, the Emmanuel.

  17. annalise Says:

    Jesus forgave those who crucified him and persecuted him. If it werent for the Jews we would not have our prophets, our Old Testament, and we would not have Jesus.

    Those of us who are Christians need to understand that we crucify Christ over and over again by the way we live, when we habitually and blatantly sin. So we are just as guilty.

  18. carol Says:

    Well said Annalise…bravo.

  19. Cindy Says:

    Jews horrified by Gibson’s Jesus film

    It’s not anti-semitism – it’s anti-christianity!

    The THE PASSION † – Forum Team

  20. Cindy Says:

    Jews horrified by Gibson’s Jesus film

    It’s not anti-semitism – it’s anti-christianity!

    The THE PASSION † – Forum Team

  21. jon Says:

    In The Saint, Anaconda, Cape Fear and numerous other movies, Catholics or representatives of the Church are depicted in twisted ways or with horrible motives. You will never see Jews or the Jewish faith represented in this way, because they know how to stick up for themselves. Unfortunately, this also means that they are always shown as either victims or noble and virtuous, not as the rest of the human race, full of faults and ulterior motives. To create a Jewish character that is evil and outwardly Jewish is to invite the label Anti-Semite. The truth of the matter is, Jews today bear little resemblence to their forebears who, with religious zeal, and perhaps a good dash of ulterior motivations, would have demanded a blasphemer’s death. They have been Europeanized. Most are non-religous, unlike the majority of other Middle-Easterners. The Jews of Jesus time would relate better to the Palestinians than do the Jews of today. So…Mel Gibson makes a movie depicting how the Jews of 2000 years ago would have been, but the Jews of today can’t stomach it–it just doesn’t jibe with the way they see themselves today, urban and civilized, worldly and not caught up in religious zealotry. The image in the mirror looks too much like that of fanatical Muslims, perhaps.

  22. Lee Ann Says:

    It’s about time that someone has stepped up to the plate and made very public the truth about Christ. Thank you Mel for continuing this project! You will be blessed! I well continue to support you as well as pray for you!!

  23. Matt Says:

    I’m glad to see Mel has stood up for truth in the face of persecution. The only people who would be upset by this are history revisionists and Bishops taken in by modernism and ecumensim (i.e. those who attempt to have truth and error co-mingle in some kind of pathetic false unity).

  24. cathy chrisco Says:

    We should thank God for his grace in giving Mel Gibson the courage in making this movie. I have

    heard wonderful fruits are coming from the making & showing of the movie before it is even finished!

    Also I would like to add that hearing from close friends who are becoming priest in the Legionair’s of Christ, that they have personally meet with Mr. Gibson in audience’ with the Holy Father Pope John Paul II and much of the cast.

    They all have been very respectful of the Holy Father.

  25. Cindy Says:

    See the latest news about the Passion and sign the petition:

  26. Julie Says:

    It’s a shame that the Jewish leaders of today are once more trying to re-write or white-wash history under the guise of a claim of anti-semitism. Historically, the Jewish leadership of Jesus’ day wanted him dead because he was perceived as a radical threat to the power of the Sanhedrin and other leaders, but under the rules of the Roman Empire as a subjugated people the Jewish leaders could not sign Jesus’ death warrant themselves. The Romans could and did kill him, but only because God allowed it to happen according to His divine plan. True Christians don’t hate Jewish people or anyone of “Roman” descent. True Christians don’t tell the story of the crucifixion to encourage hatred but to share the story of God’s overwhelming love. Jesus’ prevailing message was that of love, never hate, for our fellow human beings. It is unfortunate that Christianity has been used, like other beliefs recently, to hurt others. However, that does not change the message of peace and love the Son of God proclaimed by his sacrifice on the cross. This movie will show the graphic nature of this supreme sacrifice for all mankind. Let’s hope most of mankind listens!

  27. Leon Zitzer Says:

    Jesus was not a threat to Jewish leaders and Jewish leaders did not persecute him. A lot of information in the Gospels tells us this. John 18:3 says that Roman soldiers were at Jesus’ arrest. That means Romans were in charge all the way. They were not there to assist Jewish leaders. John 18:19-24 describes a very informal meeting, not an official trial. So does Luke who, like John, has no parade of witnesses against Jesus and no death penalty. This is no way to tell a trial.

    All the Gospels agree that Jesus was questioned in a high priest’s house, not in the official chambers. And John says that he was questioned by Annas, a retired high priest. All this points to an impromptu meeting intended to help Jesus, not an official procedure against him. And the Greek Gospels do not say that Judas betrayed Jesus. Almost all scholars admit this is a mistranslation of a neutral word. So the priests did not collaborate with a traitor because Judas was not one. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more evidence like this. But it seems that the last thing that people care about is reading the Gospels carefully.

  28. Crystal Says:

    Insted of being critics, I believe that it is immenantly imparative that we pray for Mel Gibson and make sure that the will of God is being done. Yes, he might have done movies that did not exemplify a Christlike attitude, but how many times did you do something that was not pleasing in the eye’s of God. We have to remember that when we point our fingers at others, we have three fingers pointing back at us. After all, how many times has God told you to do something, and in the process of doing what He has told you to do, others smited you? How did it make you look – a bit crazy? Were you the outcast? Were you rejected by any “High Priests” because what you were doing was contrary to popular belief? How many times has this happened to you or did you forget? Only to find out that because you obeyed the call of God, you became the victor over all those who rejected you, called you crazy, and critisized your every move. Let’s not forget from whence we’ve come. How can we comment on anything if we have not sought the will of God? Will you stand for Christ and pray that His will be done? And pray for one who stands for Him-who died for you?

  29. Crystal Says:

    Insted of being critics, I believe that it is immenantly imparative that we pray for Mel Gibson and make sure that the will of God is being done. Yes, he might have done movies that did not exemplify a Christlike attitude, but how many times did you do something that was not pleasing in the eye’s of God. We have to remember that when we point our fingers at others, we have three fingers pointing back at us. After all, how many times has God told you to do something, and in the process of doing what He has told you to do, others smited you? How did it make you look – a bit crazy? Were you the outcast? Were you rejected by any “High Priests” because what you were doing was contrary to popular belief? How many times has this happened to you or did you forget? Only to find out that because you obeyed the call of God, you became the victor over all those who rejected you, called you crazy, and critisized your every move. Let’s not forget from whence we’ve come. How can we comment on anything if we have not sought the will of God? Will you stand for Christ and pray that His will be done? And pray for one who stands for Him-who died for you?

  30. Nancy Says:

    When Christian strongly criticized The Last Temptation of Christ, film critics lectured Christians to be more open minded. In the movie Magdalene Sisters, Peter Mullan has admitted to not presenting a balanced betrayal and ‘encapsulates everything that is bad about the Catholic Church’, but he is celebrated for his honesty. When the play The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told, reenacts scripture stories with a homosexual twist or a local theather presenting Jesus Has Two Mommies, Catholics were told poetic license and freedom of speech. Get over it! When another play Corpus Christi depicts Christ having sex with his 12 apostles, Catholics who complained where called intolerant or homophobic. After complaining about degrading and insulting antiCatholic art exhibits, some at taxpayer funded locations, Catholics were told it was artistic expresion. I ask, what is being expressed by showing a picture of the Christ’s Mother encased in elephant dung, a crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine or pictures of sex acts performed on religious figures?

    The critics who have not even seen the film need to think honestly why their rage? Is it because through this film Christianity may find converts?

    Which has already been the case at the site of filming.

    Or those who are Christians will be energized & refocused? Ditto

    Or is the real complaint because Gibson is a traditional Catholic? When the movie hit threaters The Gospel of St John, not a bee. Was it because it was a Protestant film, had a Jewish co producer, did not carry high profile name wtih it?

    Why are these journalist so upset over this film, which has gotten wonderful reviews, yet show no outrage when Christianity or Catholicism is being degraded? They would the be the first to yell bigot if it was Jewish or Muslim religions so degraded as in the above mentioned.

    Nancy Boston

  31. traci Says:

    What is it about this topic that has people so defensive? Christ is supposed to unite us, not divide us! We are the Body. Let’s not butcher ourselves senselessly. How about we see the movie first, hit our knees for some serious prayer and reflection, and THEN we can comment on it!

  32. FP.Drohan Says:

    The Historocity of Jesus is all ledgiondary.

    There is no proof of a true living Jesus of

    Nazareth. Its all a mythical, created by jews

    and early christians whom had a vision of control

    and agenda. Jeus never said: Lets all be better

    christians, come follow me!

    He never said:”Iam the son of God”, He says

    often: “Iam the son of man”

  33. Natas Says:

    OH!!! Whatever already….All of you should just shut up…clean ears and open your eyes! If any of you want the truth then open your door the next time a Jehovah’s Witness comes to your home.

  34. Jessica Says:

    You know, it’s funny how “open-minded” people like agnostics and atheists can be so rude, prejudiced, and closed-minded when it comes to a piece of art regarding twelve hours of the most influencial hours in the history of the world. I respect Mel Gibson for having the guts to explore a topic that so many are terrified to approach.

  35. Jessica Says:

    You know, it’s funny how “open-minded” people like agnostics and atheists can be so rude, prejudiced, and closed-minded when it comes to a piece of art regarding twelve hours of the most influencial hours in the history of the world. I respect Mel Gibson for having the guts to explore a topic that so many are terrified to approach.

  36. Jessica Says:

    You know, it’s funny how “open-minded” people like agnostics and atheists can be so rude, prejudiced, and closed-minded when it comes to a piece of art regarding twelve hours of the most influencial hours in the history of the world. I respect Mel Gibson for having the guts to explore a topic that so many are terrified to approach.

  37. King Diamond Says:

    I think it is truely sad that the world has come to this….Everything controlled by Corporate America, who prevent people from believing, and freely speaking, all for the sake of $buck (the root of all evil)…..and these leaders, who are supposed to be religous people…sure like to throw stones. I respet Mel for his creation…at least he stood up for something he believes in….unlike most who just followers and afraid to stand up. I personally would like to see this movie. It makes me mad that a bunch of so called religous authorities have to ruin it for him and me by making deciscions for me….I say put the movie out…let us watch it and let us make up our own minds….maybe these religous leaders are just afraid because he wants to publish ancient scripture which were purposely left out of bibles….who’s to say whos right or wrong since bibles of many faiths have been manipulated, rewitten, etc to fit their own believes…live and let live.

  38. Leo Says:

    Let him make the movie. Let us watch the movie. Let us make up our own mind about the movie. I’m with King Diamond.

  39. Jon Dorhauer Says:

    The movie looks like it will be a classic. I do however feel sadened by the lack of Gibson’s knowledge concerning what one must do to be saved. In his personnal life, according to reports, he claims only the Roman Catholic Christian will enter the Kingdom of God. I don’t see anywhere in Scripture where it says that any particular Christian denomination has exclusive rights to enter the Kingdom. I do however, read where it says that salvation comes to him who is saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

  40. Joe Says:

    Mel Gibsons movie is going to be the biggest evangelical event in our time. This movie is going to show us the history that most books leave out, and the source is from the only truthful book we have, THE BIBLE. There is no better time for this movie either after september 11, and the recent war people are looking for something that will give them purpose in life. Seeing Gibsons film will give them a new perspective of Jesus Christ.

  41. Roxanne Johnson Says:

    BEWARE !!! Unfortunately, The Passion of Christ, like the majority of Biblical based films, is not all Biblically based. Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus and Mary Magdeline were sexually involved ? Remember, Satan is a master deceiver and knows a movie can reach millions. Why can’t we have a movie that is straight from the Bible ? Isn’t it the Greatest Story ever told without all the Hollywood lies ?

  42. Harry Says:

    Enough with the fairytale believes. Jesus was a fundamentalist Jew who wanted the religion to return to its traditional roots. At the time of his being, the religion was already 3,000 years old. That was 2,000 years ago. He was a man in his thirties and typical of men that age, he was most likely married and had children. He was killed because he went against the establishment and was viewed as a troublemaker. The Catholic has surpressed so much information on his life that we’ll never know the “real” truth, only the truth as they want us to believe. I would almost be that Mary was Jesus’ wife or lover and possibly the mother of his offspring. Until recent times the church presented her as a prostitute and has only just backed off this assertion. So what else have they lied about?

    Gibson is telling a story based on half truths and inuendo. Because it is written in a book doesn’t mean it happened that way. All his movie will do is perpetuate the inaccuracies that the Catholic church has perpetuated for two millenia.

    You want the real truth or a semblance of something close….read the Da Vinci Code. It probably has better info than the Bible.

    (Written by a Catholic).

  43. Harry Says:

    Enough with the fairytale believes. Jesus was a fundamentalist Jew who wanted the religion to return to its traditional roots. At the time of his being, the religion was already 3,000 years old. That was 2,000 years ago. He was a man in his thirties and typical of men that age, he was most likely married and had children. He was killed because he went against the establishment and was viewed as a troublemaker. The Catholic has surpressed so much information on his life that we’ll never know the “real” truth, only the truth as they want us to believe. I would almost be that Mary was Jesus’ wife or lover and possibly the mother of his offspring. Until recent times the church presented her as a prostitute and has only just backed off this assertion. So what else have they lied about?

    Gibson is telling a story based on half truths and inuendo. Because it is written in a book doesn’t mean it happened that way. All his movie will do is perpetuate the inaccuracies that the Catholic church has perpetuated for two millenia.

    You want the real truth or a semblance of something close….read the Da Vinci Code. It probably has better info than the Bible.

    (Written by a Catholic).

  44. Harry Says:

    Enough with the fairytale believes. Jesus was a fundamentalist Jew who wanted the religion to return to its traditional roots. At the time of his being, the religion was already 3,000 years old. That was 2,000 years ago. He was a man in his thirties and typical of men that age, he was most likely married and had children. He was killed because he went against the establishment and was viewed as a troublemaker. The Catholic has surpressed so much information on his life that we’ll never know the “real” truth, only the truth as they want us to believe. I would almost be that Mary was Jesus’ wife or lover and possibly the mother of his offspring. Until recent times the church presented her as a prostitute and has only just backed off this assertion. So what else have they lied about?

    Gibson is telling a story based on half truths and inuendo. Because it is written in a book doesn’t mean it happened that way. All his movie will do is perpetuate the inaccuracies that the Catholic church has perpetuated for two millenia.

    You want the real truth or a semblance of something close….read the Da Vinci Code. It probably has better info than the Bible.

    (Written by a Catholic).

  45. Harry Says:

    Enough with the fairytale believes. Jesus was a fundamentalist Jew who wanted the religion to return to its traditional roots. At the time of his being, the religion was already 3,000 years old. That was 2,000 years ago. He was a man in his thirties and typical of men that age, he was most likely married and had children. He was killed because he went against the establishment and was viewed as a troublemaker. The Catholic has surpressed so much information on his life that we’ll never know the “real” truth, only the truth as they want us to believe. I would almost be that Mary was Jesus’ wife or lover and possibly the mother of his offspring. Until recent times the church presented her as a prostitute and has only just backed off this assertion. So what else have they lied about?

    Gibson is telling a story based on half truths and inuendo. Because it is written in a book doesn’t mean it happened that way. All his movie will do is perpetuate the inaccuracies that the Catholic church has perpetuated for two millenia.

    You want the real truth or a semblance of something close….read the Da Vinci Code. It probably has better info than the Bible.

    (Written by a Catholic).

  46. Mandy Says:

    The moment I heard this movie was coming I was so excited, before the hipe, before the accusations, before the insults, I knew I wanted to see this. One of my favourite things is the meditation of the seven last words of Christ on Good Friday, I love the sorrowful mysteries, my favourite is the “carrying of the cross”, when it comes to the crucifiction of Christ I believe it is humanly impossible to protray the unhuman pain and suffering that took place. I knew that if it was even close I would see it not once but several times throughout Lent. But I am a Traditional Catholic so this should be somewhat expected. I am in shock and bewilderment as to what this movie to creating in the world. This response could only come from the Hands of God and like wise if this movie is all it is said to be, It too could only be from the Hands of God. Praise be Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

  47. Anonymous Says:

    The more I hear about Mel’s catholicism the

    less I want to see him on screen.

    I do not go the movies to hear religious sermons

    or to see an actor trying to be a preacher.

    Unless he is portraying one.

    Other than that Hollywood should keep religion

    out of it’s productions.

    I’ve never taken the ravings of actors and actresses seriously anyway.

    Some of them think that thier celebrity status

    gives them some authority to either support a cause or promote it.

    Whether it’s political,environmental,religious,new

    age or whatever.

    I’ll be damned if some hollywood star is going to

    tell me what to think about the environment,politics,religion or whatever they seem not qualified to talk on.

    Leave it to the professionals in the proper fields and not the tinsel town celebrities.

  48. Howard Lee Says:

    The more I hear about Mel’s catholicism the

    less I want to see him on screen.

    I do not go the movies to hear religious sermons

    or to see an actor trying to be a preacher.

    Unless he is portraying one.

    Other than that Hollywood should keep religion

    out of it’s productions.

    I’ve never taken the ravings of actors and actresses seriously anyway.

    Some of them think that thier celebrity status

    gives them some authority to either support a cause or promote it.

    Whether it’s political,environmental,religious,new

    age or whatever.

    I’ll be damned if some hollywood star is going to

    tell me what to think about the environment,politics,religion or whatever they seem not qualified to talk on.

    Leave it to the professionals in the proper fields and not the tinsel town celebrities.

    If I want to know about human rights violations

    in Africa or the plight of the homeless then the

    last place I should go to would be Hollywood.

    I would rather have a chosen professional tell

    me about this as opposed to a professional actor.

  49. Kirk Says:

    Its amazing to me that the same groups that demand “tolerance” of everyone else have so little of it themselves. If you don’t want to see the movie, don’t go see it. Leave Mel (and his 85 year old dad) alone. I personally hope it makes a billion, and will buy 10 tickets to do my part.

  50. Gordon Drago Says:

    “The Passion” is nothing more than an historically inaccurate snuff film based on the batty interpretations of Mel Gibson and his weird fundamentalist religion! He claims that his movie is based literally on the Biblical Gospels (already a mistake if you are, in fact, looking for historic accuracy), yet there are charcters within the movie that are not even mentioned in the Gospels, such as a “demon” character who appears here and there throughout the film– an obvious “plot device.”

    Gibson has said this before, and I’m inclined to agree with him– “this movie is going to be the one that ruins my career.” Damn… and I was so looking forward to the next installment of the “Mad Max” series!

  51. Gordon Drago Says:

    “The Passion” is nothing more than an historically inaccurate snuff film based on the batty interpretations of Mel Gibson and his weird fundamentalist religion! He claims that his movie is based literally on the Biblical Gospels (already a mistake if you are, in fact, looking for historic accuracy), yet there are charcters within the movie that are not even mentioned in the Gospels, such as a “demon” character who appears here and there throughout the film– an obvious “plot device.”

    Gibson has said this before, and I’m inclined to agree with him– “this movie is going to be the one that ruins my career.” Damn… and I was so looking forward to the next installment of the “Mad Max” series!

  52. Gordon Drago Says:

    “The Passion” is nothing more than an historically inaccurate snuff film based on the batty interpretations of Mel Gibson and his weird fundamentalist religion! He claims that his movie is based literally on the Biblical Gospels (already a mistake if you are, in fact, looking for historic accuracy), yet there are charcters within the movie that are not even mentioned in the Gospels, such as a “demon” character who appears here and there throughout the film– an obvious “plot device.”

    Gibson has said this before, and I’m inclined to agree with him– “this movie is going to be the one that ruins my career.” Damn… and I was so looking forward to the next installment of the “Mad Max” series!

  53. Anonymous Says:

    All you should pay attention to what Natas posted on 12/12/2003.

    It’s true, Satan is not in the gospels during the last 12 hours of his life. However, I understand why Mr. Gibson decided to put Satan in the movie, to explain who’s the real killer behind it all.

    Frankly I was very surprised to see two different parts throughout the movie that shows how Genesis 3:15 is tied to Jesus’s life. Definitely an eye opening to see Mel Gibson understands the first prophecy in the bible.

    If you want to understand, open your door. “The truth will set you free”. Not my words, you know who said them.

  54. Elaine Preece Says:

    I have done a lot of research on this movie and on Mel. In “The Catholic Company” it says how Mel based his movie on ” The Dolorous Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ ” By Catherine Emmerich a Stigmatic Nun. I read her life story, she had all kinds of visions about what happened to Jesus on the cross. Her palms would bleed, her head and feet. She had a pieced side, she hated Jews, for what they did to Jesus! This left me very uneasy. Read the Catholic “New Advent”. In “The New Yorker” an article by Peter J.Boyer, “The Jesus War” Mel say’s the movie is based on the Gospels, he also goes on to say that only Catholics are saved, he says his wife is not a Catholic, but she is a good Episcopalian and she deserves to go to heaven but she won’t be. Mel has build a huge church near his house in Malibu, Calf. for his Catholic splinter group called ” Holy Family”. So I checked out Holy Family, and found out they are a Cult, well I guessed that when I read only Catholics are saved. They are against the Vatican II, because it is a plot of the Jews and Masons to water down the true Catholic religion! His father Hutton Gibson, also belongs to this group. He says the Holocaust never happened, Mel believes it happened but well atrocities happen in war. He has never said that he disagrees with what his father believes. So don’t take my word for it, do research of your own. But I for one do believe this movie is anti-Semitic, because it is written from a anti-Semitic heart.I believe he want to push his cult agenda, and fill the “Holy Family ” with new Catholic converts.He has the blessing of the Church because he has told them he is a Christian and the movie is true to the Gospels, wrong is true to a Nuns demonic visions.The Church is to blind to see if it looks like a snake, slithers like a snake , it is a SNAKE! Wake up church you are sleeping, you are backing Satan’s plan, and paying for Mel’s new church, and putting money back in his pocket . Rome also had a lot to do with the death of Yeshua, they had complete authority and could have let him go, but chose not to, they wanted him dead also. He was a pain in the side to Rome. That is why they beat him unrecognizable, before they put him to death, yes and the Jews too. But if we want to just put one group being bloodthirsty, and point the finger, lets do a movie on the Spanish Inquisition as well hey Mel?

  55. Elaine Preece Says:

    I have done a lot of research on this movie and on Mel. In “The Catholic Company” it says how Mel based his movie on ” The Dolorous Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ ” By Catherine Emmerich a Stigmatic Nun. I read her life story, she had all kinds of visions about what happened to Jesus on the cross. Her palms would bleed, her head and feet. She had a pieced side, she hated Jews, for what they did to Jesus! This left me very uneasy. Read the Catholic “New Advent”. In “The New Yorker” an article by Peter J.Boyer, “The Jesus War” Mel say’s the movie is based on the Gospels, he also goes on to say that only Catholics are saved, he says his wife is not a Catholic, but she is a good Episcopalian and she deserves to go to heaven but she won’t be. Mel has build a huge church near his house in Malibu, Calf. for his Catholic splinter group called ” Holy Family”. So I checked out Holy Family, and found out they are a Cult, well I guessed that when I read only Catholics are saved. They are against the Vatican II, because it is a plot of the Jews and Masons to water down the true Catholic religion! His father Hutton Gibson, also belongs to this group. He says the Holocaust never happened, Mel believes it happened but well atrocities happen in war. He has never said that he disagrees with what his father believes. So don’t take my word for it, do research of your own. But I for one do believe this movie is anti-Semitic, because it is written from a anti-Semitic heart.I believe he want to push his cult agenda, and fill the “Holy Family ” with new Catholic converts.He has the blessing of the Church because he has told them he is a Christian and the movie is true to the Gospels, wrong is true to a Nuns demonic visions.The Church is to blind to see if it looks like a snake, slithers like a snake , it is a SNAKE! Wake up church you are sleeping, you are backing Satan’s plan, and paying for Mel’s new church, and putting money back in his pocket . Rome also had a lot to do with the death of Yeshua, they had complete authority and could have let him go, but chose not to, they wanted him dead also. He was a pain in the side to Rome. That is why they beat him unrecognizable, before they put him to death, yes and the Jews too. But if we want to just put one group being bloodthirsty, and point the finger, lets do a movie on the Spanish Inquisition as well hey Mel?

  56. Elaine Preece Says:

    I have done a lot of research on this movie and on Mel. In “The Catholic Company” it says how Mel based his movie on ” The Dolorous Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ ” By Catherine Emmerich a Stigmatic Nun. I read her life story, she had all kinds of visions about what happened to Jesus on the cross. Her palms would bleed, her head and feet. She had a pieced side, she hated Jews, for what they did to Jesus! This left me very uneasy. Read the Catholic “New Advent”. In “The New Yorker” an article by Peter J.Boyer, “The Jesus War” Mel say’s the movie is based on the Gospels, he also goes on to say that only Catholics are saved, he says his wife is not a Catholic, but she is a good Episcopalian and she deserves to go to heaven but she won’t be. Mel has build a huge church near his house in Malibu, Calf. for his Catholic splinter group called ” Holy Family”. So I checked out Holy Family, and found out they are a Cult, well I guessed that when I read only Catholics are saved. They are against the Vatican II, because it is a plot of the Jews and Masons to water down the true Catholic religion! His father Hutton Gibson, also belongs to this group. He says the Holocaust never happened, Mel believes it happened but well atrocities happen in war. He has never said that he disagrees with what his father believes. So don’t take my word for it, do research of your own. But I for one do believe this movie is anti-Semitic, because it is written from a anti-Semitic heart.I believe he want to push his cult agenda, and fill the “Holy Family ” with new Catholic converts.He has the blessing of the Church because he has told them he is a Christian and the movie is true to the Gospels, wrong is true to a Nuns demonic visions.The Church is to blind to see if it looks like a snake, slithers like a snake , it is a SNAKE! Wake up church you are sleeping, you are backing Satan’s plan, and paying for Mel’s new church, and putting money back in his pocket . Rome also had a lot to do with the death of Yeshua, they had complete authority and could have let him go, but chose not to, they wanted him dead also. He was a pain in the side to Rome. That is why they beat him unrecognizable, before they put him to death, yes and the Jews too. But if we want to just put one group being bloodthirsty, and point the finger, lets do a movie on the Spanish Inquisition as well hey Mel?

  57. Marie Says:

    ” He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone “. John:(8)-7 It is such a pity that man is so ready to tear down another man, especially when he has absolutely no knowledge of what he speaks. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me,for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls For my yoke is easy, and my burden light”. Matt: (11) 29-30.. Two more, These for you Mel. ” Yea, and ALL that will live godly in Christ Jesus SHALL suffer persecutions”,II Timothy (3)-12. And “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you,as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed,ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye: for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified”. I Peter (4) 12-13-14. May God give you Peace of heart, AND strength to “bare the cross”, as you, Walk in His love. His Words, ” I will not leave you or forsake you”, are a promise that he keeps. God Bless.

  58. Katy Sisler Says:

    Mel Gibson has achieved an amazing reaction to this movie. I applaud him for it. He has touched my heart and soul as well as may others. This movie was profound and heart wrenching. I am a “traditionalist” Catholic as they call Mel Gibson although I was raised Episcopalian and I do not believe that anyone is condemed for anything unless it is an outright sin which is exactly what the Traditional Catholic Church does, give exact explinations as to what sins are. I cannot imagine myself as anything other than a Catholic anymore. I feel very strongly about the effect that this movie has had on society in general. I can’t find anything wrong with showing the people of the world what Jesus went through for OUR sins. I think that bringing religion to the forefront of everyone’s mind is something that every person should/could benefit from whether they are of my religion, or of any Christian religion out there. Traditional Catholics are NOT a cult this is the same Church that has been around for 2000 years longer than any government and/or religion. The Jews are not being persecuted for this movie. It is supposed to be a strong statement of the fact that Jesus Christ died for everyone…meaning not because of the Jews, but because of the whole world in it’s entirety. God bless us all. Mel Gibson has made a lasting impression of the horrific torture that it may as well have been me scorging him, and I felt it. That is what the movie is about.

  59. Dominic Says:

    Kirk, being 85 does not excuse Mel Gibson’s dad for his disgusting Holocaust denial. Also for Mel Gibson to say that there is no place in the kingdom of heaven for his wife who is a practicing Episcopalian beggers belief. For people to lay the blaim for Christ’s death at the feat of Jews is to completely miss the point(not that I’m saying the film does as I’ve not yet seen it, but people on this message board clearly do). Jesus died for ALL OUR SINS, his death, and more importantly, his resurrection, reveals the truth about humanity, all of us, not some label we want to give a certain section of humanity.

  60. Marilyn Says:

    Just stumbled onto this page. Haven’t seen the Passion of Christ as yet. However, it is obvious that some people have to take punches at other people’s Christianity on any forum. It takes a lot of guts to be a Christian these days. Forget the pettiness and stand up and unite in Christ.

  61. Marilyn Says:

    Just stumbled onto this page. Haven’t seen the Passion of Christ as yet. However, it is obvious that some people have to take punches at other people’s Christianity on any forum. It takes a lot of guts to be a Christian these days. Forget the pettiness and stand up and unite in Christ.

  62. Marilyn Says:

    Just stumbled onto this page. Haven’t seen the Passion of Christ as yet. However, it is obvious that some people have to take punches at other people’s Christianity on any forum. It takes a lot of guts to be a Christian these days. Forget the pettiness and stand up and unite in Christ.

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