How to Shoot Heroin

Courtesy of Hiro: “This information is only for kids who are smart and mature enough to respect the dangers involved with injecting heroin…”

95 Responses to “How to Shoot Heroin”

  1. a_stupid_box Says:

    BEAUTIFUL! Such lines as…

    “If you don’t believe this then you are still a baby and not mature enough to use heroin.”

    “If you don’t know anyone who has any heroin -like an older brother – you can always buy it yourself. Being a kid makes it easier since the people who sell it won’t think you are a nark.”

    “Like cigarettes and whiskey and lots of foods

    like brussel sprouts, sometimes your stomach gets queasy when it isn’t used

    to it.”

    “If you are afraid of needles, you should try it anyhow. You won’t be sorry.”

    … are instant classics!

  2. JENNY JONES Says:







  3. Nader Says:

    wtf! if you wanna shoot heroin this is your fuckin’ business but don’t encourage others you stupid fuck!

  4. Angel Says:

    I have to admit, first time i read this, I laughed. Then I showed it to a friend, who also laughed. Im pretty sure, other did the same. Well someone is gonna be dumb enough to do this. You know theres some loser out there thinking this is gonna make him cool & hes gonna kill himself on the first attempt. The sophmore in me thinks its funny, the damn adult in me thinks its dangerous to post this. freedom of speech? i just dont know.

  5. Sharon Says:

    There is nothing cool about heroin! It kills!!It sucks the life out of user and sucks the life out of the family, and your relationships. Try seeing your loved one on the floor unconscious and and hearing them gasping for air from an overdose luckily I don’t do heroin and wasn’t high or afraind to call 911 he was barely breathing and locked in the bathroom. They God for Narcon which brings them out it. I and he were lucky this time but maybe not next time? Heroin Sucks!!!!!!! Next time I see my husband will proboly be in his grave. With heroin there are only two options death or rehab!!!! Heroin robs your fuckin life and those who love you!

  6. Anon Says:

    Heroin = DEATH DON’T TRY HEROIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Pen Says:

    So I’m an ex-junkie… so i know the horrors…. but i also apreciate the humor, like in jonathon swift’s article about eating the irish children…. i can’t believe someone could be dumb enough to take this story seriously, but hey, to each his own. Heroin does rob you of yr life, but if you’re in such a state that you’re actually seeking out information on heroin usage, i’m wondering how close you really are to using it…. wouldn’t you be closer if you were seeking it out on the street? Heroin’s easy to get, but it’s not that easy to get. Nobody acidentally becomes a junkie, let’s just put it that way.

  8. Sharon Says:

    Just because i am seeking information on heroin doesn’t mean i want to use. I am just venting on the ugly side of heroin as a person who lives with a heroin addict. I am glad your an ex-junkie cause there are not many old junkies around. From what i’ve seen in my life living with a junkie heroin gets to where it isn’t fun any more being a slave to a drug. Again it sucks the life out of the user and the family. Its like knocking on heavons door, russian roulette every time u take a chance and shoot. Get high or you die is fucked, get sober or you die is the reality of heroin.

  9. Pen Says:

    No frickin crap, but don’t you get the joke?

    I suggest you read “A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to their Parents or Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Public,” by Jonathon Swift.

    Then you will understand

  10. sophmore/addict Says:

    all i gotta say is that thank god for mom found me in a seizure in my bedroom. i was blue with no heartbeat. she tried to do cpr but my jaw was locked. she called 911 and they gave me narcon.i guess i got a heart beat. i dont know. i woke up 3 days later on a respirator and life support. all my friends and family were told by the doctors that i had less than a 50% chance of surviving the night. im blessed, all i gotta say. i thought i was invincible. it wouldnt happen to me. BULLSHIT!!!! im 15 years old and suffering with an addiction to heroin

  11. smoke crack Says:

    I didnt know thats how you shoot

    so thats why i I am aways blowing the load

    DAmn i am stupid

    if any one want to score some dope email me

    i get it cheap

    3 tic tac sized thangs for 15 bones

  12. Mr Sparkalot Says:

    Yeah So I read everything very carefully, and sometimes people need to do things to make themselves feel better, not necessarily addiction but rather fun sometimes. So lets say one lived in the Midwest, In a city such as Milwaukee, How does one find the smack, its easier said then done! The shit I have come across is white snortable, probeley shootable to , but must be cut to fuck cuz the potencey is so so so weak, and this is coming from an OC kid. Someone out there knows what I mean and will help I am sure! peace

  13. Rj Says:

    Heroin is awsome. It makes me feel so good. You ex addicts are fags, OD and die.

  14. SS Says:

    to Smoke Crack – did u mean what you said about doing business? only my usual guy just seems to sell (expensive) shit these days and he’s selling to just about everyone i know who’s into it! :-)

  15. The Real Thing Says:

    I love heroin and i’m not ashamed of it either! And i really fuckin hate those do-gooders who think that just because they disapprove of something, no-one should do it. it’s people like that who’re keeping ALL the good stuff illegal while patting each other on the back for getting pissed! Work that one out! And while I’m here, OF COURSE freedom of speech is a good thing Angel – we all make our own choices (when not treated like kids by our governments). the purity of smack is the only issue i have with the stuff – at Ł20 a bag you’d expect quality annd that’s what kills – the stupid laws which force us to take OUR ‘booze’ with ‘paint stripper’ (that is ‘smack’ with ‘talcum powder, crushed paracetammol or any other suitably coloured tab that’s handy at the time, all sorts of other stuff – your imagination is the only limit!). Sorry to rant but it makes me MAD cuz it’s SO ILLOGICAL!! :-D

  16. Melissa Says:

    I’ve been a heroin junkie for 7 years I?ve maintained a healthy life; I work, go to school and do a million other ordinary things that a 25 year old does. I also shoot heroin, responsibly, I never do more than enough and I use in moderation, I don?t drive when I’m on it, and I don?t steal. In fact I don?t really have any characteristics of what a typical heroin junkie is. I have heroin junkie friends, ones a chef who’s been doing heroin for 3 years, or my friend Rob who’s a paralegal and owns a very expensive house in Newport Beach, My friend Anna is a 5th grade teacher, she also does heroin on the weekends. I guarantee you that you know somebody who uses, but you don?t know, all the junkies I know have there shit together. Funny how you only hear about the crazy ones, maybe because most sensible people don’t exactly let everyone know their on heroin just because of the stigma it carries. Really put some thought in to what your saying, how educated are you on this subject? Maybe some of you should try to read ?100 years of heroin? By: David Musto, very informative. In the mean time people, if kids are reading this article in the first place then your kids are fuck ups and will probably use drugs eventually anyways, they?ll just be the stupid ones who get caught.

  17. Melissa Says:

    I’ve been a heroin junkie for 7 years I?ve maintained a healthy life; I work, go to school and do a million other ordinary things that a 25 year old does. I also shoot heroin, responsibly, I never do more than enough and I use in moderation, I don?t drive when I’m on it, and I don?t steal. In fact I don?t really have any characteristics of what a typical heroin junkie is. I have heroin junkie friends, ones a chef who’s been doing heroin for 3 years, or my friend Rob who’s a paralegal and owns a very expensive house in Newport Beach, My friend Anna is a 5th grade teacher, she also does heroin on the weekends. I guarantee you that you know somebody who uses, but you don?t know, all the junkies I know have there shit together. Funny how you only hear about the crazy ones, maybe because most sensible people don’t exactly let everyone know their on heroin just because of the stigma it carries. Really put some thought in to what your saying, how educated are you on this subject? Maybe some of you should try to read ?100 years of heroin? By: David Musto, very informative. In the mean time people, if kids are reading this article in the first place then your kids are fuck ups and will probably use drugs eventually anyways, they?ll just be the stupid ones who get caught.

  18. Requiem Shooter Says:

    Great article, really funny. I love how it had it’s joke parts (“heroin is good for you”) and still gave you directions on how to safely shoot. Makes me want to slam some H.

    Fuck You All


  19. bob Says:

    It’s not offensive and it’s not funny, so what is it? I don’t understand. I mean, I get the photos of babies being raped by 40 year old men and the women putting mice up their pussy’s, but i don’t get your “how to shoot heroin”.

    Quite disapointed. Come on, it’s the Internet for fucks sake, the place where stupid random cunts can actually articulate what’s in their head, without the worry of thinking about it first (exhibit A).

    You’re obviously lacking in creativity, humor and intellect, but don’t worry many americans are the same.

  20. andi Says:

    wake up dickheads there are other ways to enjoy yourself that are not going to fuck up you, your life and your families and all those that care about you even if you dont.your selfish and obviousley dont know the long term effects because your to busy writing a load of bollocks about how good and fantastic it all is. as for weekend users only, get a rehab number for future reference.dirty smackheads get a fucking life, stop trying to justify heroin use. PRICKS

  21. Heroin4eva Says:

    I love heroin. I live for heroin. Anyone who believes heroin is bad has never tried it. If you haven’t tried it by the age of 20 you should be shot immediately. Injection is the only way. Otherwise it’s a total WASTE!

  22. Euphoria Says:

    I came upon this site because I shot up five days ago and am thinking of doing the same tomorrow. Before the last time I hadn’t done it for 2/3 months. I’m not a junkie. I have a full time job and I don’t tell people about it.

    Alot of people these days are okay with pills and powders, if you can swallow or snort it, as long as you don’t do it everyday, it’s okay.

    Who hasn’t dropped an e nowadays? How many people admit it and how many people do it is of course a different story. Heroin. That’s something else again.

    Whether it’s a fear of needles or a fear of becomming a junkie with just one hit, alot less people experiment with it than with, pot, for example and the only people that usually admit they do it are indeed junkies who couldn’t deny it if they tried of youngsters who want to be big or people who have never done it at all.

    It’s going to take more than a website to get people shooting up, everyone has a brain and a mind of their own and if they know how to use a computer they should know how to use these. I’d wager many a street user has never even been on the internet.

    This isn’t a site to get too offended about. Actual non-concentual rape sites, go and complain about them, they’re wrong, but this? Does anyone really believe that looking at this site has brought them one step closer to that first injection?

    I came across it because I wanted to search for one of my favourite things… how about you? How does an anti drugs individual come to find such a thing? Are you curious?


  23. Ha Ha Ha Says:

    Funny! I found the article funny and informative… good work!

    Little Kiddie

  24. mandy Says:

    I’ve been a heroin addict 8-9yrs now and i’ve just started a detox course of subutex….i’m a 30 yr old mother and it realy fucked my life up and my kid had to stay with my parents…i could’nt even look after myself…i’ve been on subutex a week now and i think its great…it takes away the cravings and is part blocker…i’m lots better now and i’m back with my kid : )

  25. fucken dumb poste Says:

    this guy who wrote this doesn’t know shit, you cant sniff heroin and i’ve never seen a junkie use an alcohol cotton swab, also narcane blocks the nerve recepters herion clings to

  26. JOey Says:

    I like the jokes. I’ve been 8 years down on junk and think that educating and the needle exchange helps alot.

    TAles of a Modern Junkie…

  27. s Says:

    i came on this site lookin up the one thing that actaully makes me feel good. ive been using heroin for only 10 months now-and by the way you CAN snort it.i know people who use needles and i think that is stupid. i do think what im doin is dumb also. my boyfreind has been on heroin for a year now and is totally fucked up and i wish i could learn from him. hes been to rehab and everything else. some of u ppl dont even have a clue about heroin. i respect the the ppl who use responsibly. someday i hopefully will decide to not use heroin or anything like heroin. but for now im having fun with it.

  28. s Says:

    i came on this site lookin up the one thing that actaully makes me feel good. ive been using heroin for only 10 months now-and by the way you CAN snort it.i know people who use needles and i think that is stupid. i do think what im doin is dumb also. my boyfreind has been on heroin for a year now and is totally fucked up and i wish i could learn from him. hes been to rehab and everything else. some of u ppl dont even have a clue about heroin. i respect the the ppl who use responsibly. someday i hopefully will decide to not use heroin or anything like heroin. but for now im having fun with it.

  29. s Says:

    i came on this site lookin up the one thing that actaully makes me feel good. ive been using heroin for only 10 months now-and by the way you CAN snort it.i know people who use needles and i think that is stupid. i do think what im doin is dumb also. my boyfreind has been on heroin for a year now and is totally fucked up and i wish i could learn from him. hes been to rehab and everything else. some of u ppl dont even have a clue about heroin. i respect the the ppl who use responsibly. someday i hopefully will decide to not use heroin or anything like heroin. but for now im having fun with it.

  30. Eyjó Says:

    There´s no heroin in Iceland so I shoot up with morphine instead. Anyways funny article but dangerous nevertheless because some people are just stupid enough to try this shit.

  31. Lesa Says:

    I am a middle aged woman who know’s what she is getting into,..haven’t shot up in over 17 yr’s but,…never did it myself,..someone esle alway’s put it in the sryinge and hit me,…I AM going to start back on herion,…all I need is someone to tell me how to,..I mean I have a good idea,…but just certain no,’s and suggesting’s ,…how to or not to cook it up first in the spoon.

    I’m not looking for lecture’s,..just advice on how to get my good high back again on my own.

    Peace, Lesa

  32. Budz Says:

    Omg some of you people are fuckin retarded. It’s obvious that article was intended to be humorous in certain areas. I guess you need a sense of humor to see that. I myself am an opiate addict. I started with painkillers and then came across Dilaudins, which by the way is the best, most pure form of heroin. I just recently (about 1 week ago) started shooting them up and I love it. I believe that if you can use a drug responsibly and maintain a good life, you have all the right in the world to do just that. It’s when the drug starts taking over your life and comes before the important things that it’s time to slow down or stop completely. Oh and to the guy who said you cant snort heroin, I think its time you did some more research dude. Most people ONLY snort. Oh I also have a quick question. I really dont want track marks on my arm so I was wondering if anyone knew of other good places to shoot. Ive heard between the toes and in the hip but how would you find a vein that way? Just thought maybe someone would know.

  33. Evan Says:

    im 25 and use heroin and i know all about getting hooked on drugs witch i havent got hooked on smack….im hooked on ciggys

    :( ..anyway id like to say kids shouldnt use H coz your right about maturety being a part of using smack with respect and not over doing to the point where you need it to live. however if you are mature i think using heroin is an eye opening and fun thing to do where in finding about your own body and mind. <—sorry about my poor spelling, heroin in no way helps your brain any and you should know that long term use will fuck you head right up hehe.

  34. joey Says:

    well it was last friday I think, without thinking about it I found myself on a mission and that mission didnt end until, it was done. I found myself on fitzugh ave in dallas pulling up to apartments where I usually get good heroin.

    -hey holmes donde esta la chiva?

    -follow me… how much?

    the shadowy figure asked me from the dark hallway.

    -40 chiva and 40 coca.

    I got the dope and bailed quickly to a 7-11 bathroom and so I fixed up. it was so potent that I came out and waited by my car for about thirty minutes until I could drive again. I went to see a friend in deep ellumn that does tattooes. he was busy so I fixed up again in the tattooshop bathroom. I sat out on the curb throwing up and passing out for about an eternity. bicycle cops passing infront of me staring. club goers looking and pointing. I just sat there staring at my shoes.

  35. no name Says:

    One thing is for sure: A large portion of the youth today, thrive on stupidity! I can’t believe some of the retarded statements that have been posted in this thread, and it’s more than obvious that a majority of them were made by extremely shallow and very immature people. Certainly none mature enough to join in on such a serious to some discussion. I myself have had a ridiculous battle with the balloons and never once have I considered it a healthy road to be traveling down. Yeah, the highs incomparable, but there is nothing even remotely “Cool” about being hooked on dope, that is unless your idea of cool is having body chills in the fetal position on your fucking kitchen floor. My reasons for taking that first hit were selfish, and the reasons I continue to live this way are based on those same exact pathetic issues. Coolness was never once a factor. The whole idea seemed kinda glamorous at one point, but that seemed to vanish just as quickly as the buzz. I look at it like this; If one continues to bring a form of illness into their life, knowing damn well all of the unhealthy side effects caused by this particular “vice” as I like to call it, (one of which happens to be death mind you), than one can say without hesitation that he or she in-fact carries along with them a significant amount of self loathing. There IS something inside of you which you despise. Why else would you continue to harm yourself? Why else would you want destroy and abuse such a beautiful instrument that allows you to see and smell and laugh and run and play and live a happy healthy fulfilling life? I have to ask myself that question every single fucking day. But still, I dig on. Deeper and deeper, closer and closer towards my certain death, with my fingers crossed where no one will notice. PLEASE NOTE: If you shoot dope long enough, you WILL eventually over dose and you might not wake up. That’s a fact you have to face. Just like the fact which you have to face every time you step on the gas and pull out into traffic. Although your used to that feeling by now, and it rarely crosses your mind, that doesn’t mean that the fact itself has lost any weight. As a matter of fact, since were on the topic, last week, I was graced with a really great batch( That wasn’t supposed to sound that romantic, just being honest), subsiquintley followed by a scary, shakey, foamy, freezing, fucking overdose which was alot closer to being a permanent snooze than i would have wished for myself at the time. But, I managed to come out of it unfazed and It didn’t change a Goddamn thing. I dusted myself off and managed to do an even bigger hit the next chance I got. Thats not the way its supposed to work. That nothing but addiction and my sick body teaming up against me. So don’t expect me to chime in on your little Justification session. This is not life. This is alot closer artificial resporation. If you haven’t, DONT. If you feel you must, well, maybe we could go out and suck blood together sometime. As far as all of you “cool” people are concerned, you’d all be better off spending less time at the computer and more time out in the streets gettin it over with. Crappy new year.


    your all dumb. that shit can kill ya, and you stupid fuck, you can snort it……..DUMB ASSHOLES!!!!!!!


    your all dumb. that shit can kill ya, and you stupid fuck, you can snort it……..DUMB ASSHOLES!!!!!!!

  38. zack Says:

    hey I sniff h and i sorta like it 3 dime bags make me feel okay and really horny I can have sex for hours

  39. Rachelle Says:

    The sooner you fuckwits O.D. and die, the better! You are all kidding yourselves. Get out of the gene pool you anti-social and weak fucks!

  40. Jake Says:

    I have to admit i was searching on the internet for ways to shoot because I have been shooting for like 2 years now and my skills are fading, haha. I seem to be getting less of a buzz off of it, of course i’m shoot Oxycontins half the time. perhaps by fate, i stumbled upon this site and maybe i should try to chill out for a while, some really good points are being made, on both sides.

    It is stupid to argue “you guys are all idiots and are going to OD.” Any former or current injection drug user can tell you that the risk of losing your priorities like family and friends is so much worse than the risk of losing your life. At any stage, the user is only affecting their own lives; however, if that develops to a point where it interferes with other people’s lives… anybody truly addicted will tell you it is better to die.

    I can’t look forward anymore. I see my hopes and future up until the next shot. the only time i look beyond that is when i’m actually high. Once its gone i cannot percieve my goals or any consequences of my upcoming actions until they are in my past. This is the true pain in drug use. Overdosing ain’t shit compared to that. Their ain’t no fucking hospitals for relationships and for your future.

  41. Clam Says:

    If anyone on these forums is in or around the Bloomington/Indianapolis Indiana area and can get good cheap dope – ($1-200 grams), a good hookup on methadone, OC’s, dilaudid’s, etc.. give me a shout on AIM or Yahoo @ ClamS0up (with a zero not an o).

    And for anyone thinking of shooting Heroin and that you can do it moderately and safely – This is the only truly addictive drug in the world (anyone who hasn’t dealth with opiate addiction and says otherwise is an idiot). I was “addicted” the very first time I did it. As soon as that fluid disappears from the needle into your vein it is the greatest feeling ever – it’s like God puts a blanket over you and tells you everything is going to be GREAT. It fills up that hole inside all addicts completely, don’t do it – it’s a cross that few can bear.

  42. Johnny Says:

    H is sure not for good.But when some1 is addictive in it you must help him ant not leave him!He needs u cause y the only he or she has.If you leave your friend then the only he has is H cause it’s the only which really keep him high so he never stops cause it will be his only real friend who stays with him.The truth is that your playing yourlife but its very sweet.Sorry for spelling i m from north europe ,im Huser for a year and i used to snif h for about 3 months daily.But one morning i said enough but for the next 4 days i couldnt sleep and for about a week i was in true pain all over my body.this was before 7 months and from then i take H only 2-3 days a month just to do something different from weed and coke.But never injected.I have 2-3 friends who injecting theimselves but i thing thats the last thing i wanna do.But now its very deeply in my mind to get injected i dont know why.i haven’t get H for the last 2 weeks but the last 2 days i just wanna know this experience and nothing more.I don’t even want to take H im just fine but i wanna get some dope in my blood to feel the difference.yea you may think im burned up or “insane in my brain” or something like this…Maybe, maybe im paranoid but i just know i know nothing and i m always in the way of learn. i m steel 19 and the life is in front of me;think so… Just remember that every H addict user is a person who has still feelings and was idiot cause he started but now you cant say :”Ah!look this junkie,he is idiot and must get busted”because then he will do more cause he would have a yellow paper says “H user”and “busted” or anything else and this would make things worst.So STOP swearing addictive persons you fucking assholes who just know to say “Idiots”,”Junkies”,etc….

  43. Anonymous Says:

    hi mom

  44. D Says:

    not everyone who tries smack will become

    addicts… but a lot of them will….

    some things are best left alone…. 8-)

  45. cman Says:

    all of you really need to look at your lives, being an addict sucks! its not about being high, its trying to feel normal!!

  46. cman Says:

    all of you really need to look at your lives, being an addict sucks! its not about being high, its trying to feel normal!!

  47. vic Says:

    I REALLY REALLY WAnt to shoot up, I dont really give a fuck if I die the first time i shoot up. i want to overdose, I dont give a fuck about anything… I dont have anything to live for, Fuck it..

  48. Anonymous Says:

    Ive only done weed and alcohol. This shit sounds way too crazy for me. If you have any second guesses i would suggest not trying it. My one peace o fadvice is do not have any kids if you use it. For god sakes stop poluting our planet with your fucked up kids. And if you do get pregnant give it up for adoption or get the morning after pill. You fucking crazy bastards are the ones who fuck up everything. If it werent for all your shit, crime wouldnt be as high. If you need to shoot up or whatever you do, do it at your house and keep everyone else out of it.

  49. Misti Says:

    I am bored in class I come across this page and think hmmmm this is interesting but it isn’t I honestly think if your going to do heroin you should at least know the risks involved know what your doing and just don’t do it to be cool or all that bullshit know what your giving up and don’t look back because once you get on that ride you might not be able to get off you should know everything that comes with it, every good and bad affects and see if you still want to do it

  50. GeLewan Says:

    fuckin SWEET article thing, FUCK all you conservative pievces of shit an the government, rock on

  51. forthosewhodontknow Says:

    Heroin is serious, i cannot stress this enough. I am a 17 year old female addict who has only been snorting heroin for 6 months and is already scared. I quit a few months ago for a couple weeks and the anxiety and depression that followed was too much for me. I guess this means that i am a weak person. Nevertheless im going to try to quit again, if not for me then for my family and my boyfriend who is also addicted and i know wont quit unless i do. Taking heroin in any form is dangerous, i want to quit before i start to shoot, and i wonder why i started this in the first place. If given the chance i think that most heroin addicts with half a mind would tell you that they wish they had never gone down this path. It is not a pretty world to step into. Everyday a couple times a day i go into a house that is so dirty you cant imagine, with garbage and needles everywhere. I go to this place to get my down. 6 months ago i wouldve just laughed if i had seen this place with hookers laying on the floor passed out in their own puke, but now it is my reality. These people are the only familiar faces i see thesedays besides my boyfriend who i do the drugs with. I have lost most of my friends, and im not close with my family anymore. Noone knows about my problem, and my boyfriend is so far gone he doesnt care to listen to my concerns. Thats how i came across this website, lonelyness, the kind of lonleyness that i believe only this drug can cause. I will feel better after ive posted this, hoping that ive painted the picture accuratley. Please if your going to use heroin be safe, and dont think that you wont become addicted or that your above anyone who is. We are all the same no matter which problems plague us. Heroin is good the first few times, then after that its 60$ a day to do it, and it doesnt get you high after the first few times, you nmeed it just to stay normal. 60$ A DAY TO BE NORMAL? YOU ARE NORMAL EVERYDAY FOR FREE BE THANKFUL.

  52. Matt Says:

    I have used responsibly off and on for 2 and a half years now. The habit only got worse and now I am coming off a 3 month daily habit and had to get out of town just to detex myself, and for all you haters out there that think they are God’s gift to reproducing and think there genes are better because of there lack of use are full of it because I have twins that are smart normal and healthy. Take a science class, smoking pot everyday is worse than using herion in moderation on you reproductive organ’s. I will start medical school in the fall and this happens to be one of my favorite subjects. I wouldn’t recomend opiate use on anyone because of the risk of addiction and damage it can cause the body. Yes track marks are all to common for IV users. The person who was asking about other places to inject well I know you have to be careful because you can hit a nerve on certain parts of the body and in the leg and foot area you run that risk, and never shoot in an artery, make sure you hit a vein and that the needle is in the vein and pulls back red. For the first timers I would recomend having someone else present with experience to administer for you.

  53. nobody Says:

    weed is only bad on your reproductive system for about 4 hours. it lowers your sperm count until your sober again and then everything is back to normal

    think of it like this, everybody has a hobby right? lets say yours is fishing. because you enjoy fishing, you go fishing alot, you talk about it alot and you hang out with other people who like fishing. well mine and many other peoples hobby is heroin. we like it, we do it alot, and we hang out with other users, and we talk about it. the only difference between us and you is that we dont have to leave our houses to do our hobby.

  54. Anonymous Says:

    um what ever to the people who are angry,i found the article funny as hell and informative.i havent shot yet but ive been thinking about it for a long time and i was glad to find such a down to earth essay.i realy thought it was greatc’mon lighten up,republicans get to talk about whtever they want to spin on ,so cant anyone else speak thier mind if they want ,um america and um, theres allot worse shit out there.
    p.s makack monkeys are invading india,viva la revolution. – im out -j

  55. blaine Says:

    “think of it like this, everybody has a hobby right? lets say yours is fishing. because you enjoy fishing, you go fishing alot, you talk about it alot and you hang out with other people who like fishing. well mine and many other peoples hobby is heroin. we like it, we do it alot, and we hang out with other users, and we talk about it. the only difference between us and you is that we dont have to leave our houses to do our hobby.”

    not true. you can’t overdose on fishing.

  56. JD Says:

    I’m not quite sure how to start this…
    I’m a musician and I was wondering if anyone has used heroin as a way of opening the door to their art…a kind of creative booster. I often find myself lacking in creativity, sometimes the inspiration just leaves for days, weeks, even months…I used to write music constantly, it would just flow from me but now I find it harder and harder…my heart’s still in it, but I keep suffering from writer’s block. I know many artists and musicians have used drugs, Eric Clapton, Picasso, The Doors…the list is endless, I’ve been considering using heroin lately to bring back the spark, but I’m not sure. I’ve tried other drugs without much luck…If I were to use it I’d hate to see my passion for heroin outshine my passion for music (Mainly I’d hate to turn out like Nikki Sixx).
    I guess I just wanted to know if anyone has used heroin in a productive way and if the benefits were worth the risk. From what I’ve read if it’s used in a safe and controlled manner everything should be fine.
    Then again, I could be in the wrong business…

  57. JstOotOfDtox Says:

    the pathetic ones are the uninformed ones. Heroin took over my life, because I made the choice to do it on a daily basis. I just got out of detox today, and shit, ill probably go back to it because I love it so fucking much. But thats my problem, and Fuck the people who tell us to get out of the gene pool. Its not gunna happen cuz me and my girl do H and fuck for hours.
    its an individual choice, and if you dont recognize that, then your scared.

    PS-the withdrawls arent nearly as bad as oxycontin or methadone, both of which are FDA sanctioned drugs.


  58. Jst_Oot_Of_Dtox Says:

    the pathetic ones are the uninformed ones. Heroin took over my life, because I made the choice to do it on a daily basis. I just got out of detox today, and shit, ill probably go back to it because I love it so fucking much. But thats my problem, and Fuck the people who tell us to get out of the gene pool. Its not gunna happen cuz me and my girl do H and fuck for hours.
    its an individual choice, and if you dont recognize that, then your scared.

    PS-the withdrawls arent nearly as bad as oxycontin or methadone, both of which are FDA sanctioned drugs.


  59. forthosewhodontknow Says:

    To JD, unless you want to write depressing music about how badly you want to commit suicide for ever trying heroin then i would say dont try it. Inspiration comes from within, not from drugs, and the risk of becoming addicted or overdosing is just too great. Be thankful that you are in the position where you have a choice as to whether or not your going to use heroin, i dont have that choice its automatic i have to use every few hours. If you want to be creative go to the park or try writing music about your lifes experiences. The artists that you mentioned in your comment didnt use drugs to be creative, they had addictions to feed, and all of them are either off the drug now after suffering for years, or dead from the drug like the doors frontman jim morrison. Think about it i hope you make the right decision.

  60. jmastif Says:

    Iam a 23 year old male going on 1 year clean. i shot herion for 5 years. my x girlfriend also shot. it has been 2 years now and i still find myself in nightmares. i found my girlfriend of 5 years who i loved more than anyone or anything in the whole world dead from an overdose in her bedroom with the spike still in her arm. i looked at her and she didint look real to me.she looked like some kind of doll. to this day i still blame myself because i feel like i could have done something to stop her. now i have to have that on my mind for the rest of my life because i will never forget the night i lost my baby. so go ahead and shoot up pal and see who finds you.

  61. dontworryboutname Says:

    im 13 yr old , from wut ive read i think its really dumb to shoot up and jus 2 smoke weed occasionally,that way its better bcuz u get less and its a better experience…

    fuck junk


  62. Tom Dootson Says:

    I gotta say, after reading that, i’m gonna go get a nice big rock and shoot up!

    Cheers for some tips guys!

    Love Dookie

  63. angie Says:

    Are you out of your mind? Kids read this shit and your there telling them its okay to shoot heroin!! Mabye you think this is a funny joke but some kid will read this and think that it is okay to shoot heroin. I am a addict that uses cocaine (yes i shoot it to) I have been addicted to it for 13 years. Yes me and my husband both work and have the fancy little life your supposed to have but it slowly kills your mind and hope! It causes more problems than its worth I may be a junkie but I know its still wrong! Mabye you should think before you post this crap on the internet! Drugs fuckin kill! and make you do shit you would never dream you could do!

  64. angie Says:

    Are you out of your mind? Kids read this shit and your there telling them its okay to shoot heroin!! Mabye you think this is a funny joke but some kid will read this and think that it is okay to shoot heroin. I am a addict that uses cocaine (yes i shoot it to) I have been addicted to it for 13 years. Yes me and my husband both work and have the fancy little life your supposed to have but it slowly kills your mind and hope! It causes more problems than its worth I may be a junkie but I know its still wrong! Mabye you should think before you post this crap on the internet! Drugs fuckin kill! and make you do shit you would never dream you could do!

  65. j Says:

    I am a recovering junkie of about 8 years, inecting for two years and have now been clean for 2 years with only a couple of slips.
    I think one of the most important factors that alot of you are missing here is the financial burden that smack addiction brings, sure you can spend your life on heroin but how are you going to pay for it? What about if you can’t get id one day cause your supply dries up? That is when the fun really starts, I cannot possibly come close to explaining the pain and turmoil of being dope sick and you will get addicted and at some point become very sick if you start using smack(unless you are one of the lucky 1% that try h and doesnt become hooked.
    My advice is a. dont try it. b. if you want to, don’t be surprised if you turn to stealing, prostitution etc to fund your addiction as this the norm or c. make sure that you havr several million bucks in your bank account before you start and consider moving to Afghanistan where supply is plentifull.

    For all of you that arn’t wealthy and still decide to ‘experiment’ remember this post when you are dope sick and sucking someones cock so you can get another fix.

    *that said and done the article is amusing.

  66. Anonymous Says:

    I overdosed on heroin four days ago and woke up in a hospital. This web site is absolutely retarted. Grow up.

  67. Raul del Angelo Says:

    First of all the “How to Shoot Hreoin” is a phony. If you really want to teach someone you gotta tell ’em how to pop a vein. You don’t shoot dope into elbow. The second thing that they don’t say is that the first time is the best, so do it right and do a lot because it ain’t ever gunna be better in your whole life. Now I’m thinking back close to 40 years and I thought I was back in my mothers womb. Someone called it gods blanket, and I don’t believe there is a more convincing religion. So kids remember do as much as you think you can live through and give some junkie a nice piece to hit you and teach you how. The guy who you got the dope from will help you. Jest remember it ain’t ever gunna be better than the first time and in a week , a month or a year it’s just gunna be another bad habit. No matter what you take or how much you take it ain’t ever gunna be better than the first time so don’t fuck around blow your head off.

    Now on a different subject; by the time I was 23 I had lost 3 close friends to H. Two of them were close enough to be brothers. These guys were no chumps. One was the son of a publisher, a big one and the other’s family owned an oil company. I guess I still miss them. But pretty much now when I learn that somone I know is doing H I just write them off as dead. I don’t see them, or take their calls or nothin there just fuckin dead and I don’t have to worry about it. I have a little funeral for them in my mind and that’s fuckin that.
    And now for the twist. Because some asshole company wasn’t careful about exposing their employs to chemicals I got a neurological disease and I gotta take a quarter gram of morophine min just to get out of bed every day. And if you don’t know that’s one big piece of gods blanket. And you would think that would be a dopers dream but it ain’t shit.

  68. Me 79 Says:

    Once an addict always and addict..only you can pass the test…fuck a bunch of bullshitt about shootin dope being a kid if ya want to make it to see 21 dont do it! some are lucky but 95% of heroin users under the age of 17 dont live to see 21……………
    death is the only true reality of a drug addict!

  69. Feeling Helpless in Pa Says:

    I just wanted to write a letter to whoever is reading. Two weeks ago my brother died from herion. My mother and family are Heart broken. This isn’t what you want to put you family through. I wish I would have know so I could of helped my brother. God has taken the time to create you, and he hasn’t created a nobody. You are special. Remember, everyone has problems. Tomorrow will be better. Think of the people who are less fortuate. Like the people who are terminatley ill.People who have lost there children, The peole who died fighting for this country. People who have no limbs. Life is good. It’s all that you make of it. God will help if you ask.

  70. breanna Says:

    This may seem kinda dumb but can any of ya give me some info on heroin and stuff cause I’m kinda doing a project thingy and all the websites a stupid and queer and really borin

  71. tardalo Says:

    damn I have never read such a piel of shit in my life

  72. chumpalump Says:

    you will die real fast following this load of shit

  73. Responsible Says:

    Fuck the prohibitionist bastards who write comments like the above. I’ve used opiates for years IN MODERATION – what the hell would you know about the vast majority of users? You never hear about the responsible, because they keep their noses clean. Speaking on behalf of them, I contend that you’re all ignorant assholes. Having never experienced half of what I have in your morally bankrupt lifetimes, under the guise of “accumulating capital”, you’re not in a position to judge any of it.

  74. xxx Says:


    why the HELL would you go buy something illegal when all you have to do these days is fake an injury and claim a resistance to meds like norco and vicodin?

    oxycontin is way better than “H” and legal with perscription. ive had 3 major back operations, my right arm was completely severed,my left arm was broken so badly they had to remove the bones and put sone titanium bars in, my left shoulder is rebuilt and hog ringed together,ect. i was struck by a car as a pedestrian july 10th of 1989 and take 3 80mg oxys a day,not counting the countless 5mg IR’s a day.good stuff. ive never attempted to shoot them. why try?……….i can get high as a mother fucer with doing that.

    anyway,i get so many i have buttloads left over every month that just it here

    i think DR’s really way overperscribe them

    anyone that may have any questions about my posts,or need info on how to get with your dr and get OC,email me

  75. Golden_Brown Says:

    To Budz – You can shoot intramuscularly – slightly less intense takes about 5 mins to hit you but you dont have to worry about track marks, or air bubbles. a good option.

  76. Dr. phil Says:

    i searched for ‘how to shoot heroin’ on google, and this came up. I was actually i was looking how to shoot it, thanks

  77. fckdup Says:

    Listen, it’s not rocket science to shoot heroin. Ya might as well do it right if you are going to do it. Forget the skin popping crap, ya gotta mainline for the full effect. As an addict, I what sounds better, 6-8 seconds ’till you fell it or 5 minutes. Personally I prefer 0-1 seconds flat if I could. Just use clean rigs. before ya know it you to will be a junkie.

  78. fckdup Says:

    Maybe I’m fckdup but this isn;t working

  79. fckdup Says:

    everyone should be on heroin, the world could just go on the nod and all would be well…..

  80. puregangsta Says:

    hey everyone, i luaghed… ive never shot heroin, i dont think i will, i only have a few junkie friends and they dont encourage me to do it. i just snort it. i dont think this article would really make some one go out and boot heroin becuase its kinda poking fun at heroin users anyways. i think its good for coureosity about how people shoot up or whatever. but who cares if people use heroin anyways? sure its s selfish thing to do to your loved ones but what harm is a junkie going to do, nod of on a couch?….

  81. puregangsta Says:

    people have really crazy stereotypes of junkies, that they are these nasty dirty terrible people, its time to wake up people. you would have no idea, that some of my friends are junkies just by lookin at them, longsleeve t shirts mind you haha :) H sucks cuase it turns people into junkies. but this article is just funny that is all i really highly doubt anyone would take it seriously. heroin will kill you if you use it like a idiot. ive never booted it i just snort it sometimes, i know that if i did shoot it up i would be hooked i have a very addictive personality, so i dont do it. but stop hating the junkies of this world!, ya its selfish, but what harm are they doing to the world? nodding off on a couch?

  82. puregangsta Says:

    also just so ya ll know, for thoughs who are addicted to H and do not feel like stopping in CANADA they supply free heroin for addicts of over 5 years so you dont have to spend your life trying to supply enough heroin for your habit. oh canada oh canada :)

  83. fckdup Says:

    Ya, they do supply heroin for addicts in Canada, (for research…right). You can get on Methadone so easily if ya want. Canada has very slack laws for possesion as well. How do I know this? I AM CANADIAN!!!!!

  84. fckdup Says:

    doesn’t anyone ever go into this site?

  85. user12321 Says:

    I am 20 years old and have been addicted to opiates for about 2 1/2 years now. I have been using on and off throughout my addiction and in the short amount of time ive been addicted have gone through plenty of in and outpatient rehabs and such. At one point, when first using the drug, it was fun and seemed to make everything okay but this went away pretty quickly. Soon your tolerance shoots sky high and you end up also needing it everyday or else you will be physically sick. It is no fun and can and will ruin your life whether you want to believe it or not. I am in no way preaching or trying to change anyones decision on this topic, just being completley honest and explaining what it has dont to me and many friends of mine. I am currently still using and am just totally lost in life. To the people who have never done this…really think hard about what your doing and take the advice from people who have experienced addiction and such. People would no say things that werent true for no reason. Drugs suck and ruin many lives of people who had great potential to be something.

  86. NeedsStitches Says:

    im 13, iive wanted to try heroin for ages, (to some of you this may seem stupid and irrational but i dont care and i have my reasons) ive done a lot of drugs already so…. anyway the point im trying to make is this article was very very helpful i just dont know where to get the heroin from. im from england so…. anyway, if there are any english ppl out there who know where to get good H from and cheap (in the uk preferrably roundish london/oxford) please PLEASE contact me, my email address, i know chances of this helping me find some are slim but christ if ya know then…. or any other info on H, would be very helpful. awesome article, very funny.

  87. KittenStapler Says:

    hlo, iv ben a adict 4 a wile now i not a addict i jut do it osemtimmes but in a oar im gonna hav2 do it agan duz aneyone no how 2get rid of arm rash>? plz help me

  88. KittenStapler Says:

    tis is my frst time on a inernt my lst cometn did nt go tru. hlo i ben a adict 4 a wile now i not a addickt i jut do it sumtims in a our i gona hav2 do it agan. i no i gona die sonn i got no teeh left duz ane one no hoe2 get rd of arm rash?

  89. fckdup Says:

    wow, 13yrs old ? Did that guy/gal say they R 13 yrs old! Why? WTF RU thinking of! U want to try “H”! Or should I say You want to get addicted to heroin, to the point that UR fucking junk sick and can’t move! Cause like the other person said it’s all fun at first, then instead of using when U feel like it, U have to fucking use to just get well. It does kill U in the end if you don’t get help. Oh not to mention all the other really fucking cool shit that goes with being a junky,……….like HEP C, HIV, tracks on UR arm or UR hand then maybe even your feet and not to mention Ur neck. But thats right U just want to try it . once is to many , trust me i have all of the abouve excepy HIV, methadone has saved me so far. PLS DO NOT TRY IT!!!

  90. fckdup Says:

    ok for the guy with the arm rash. Do U mean tracks from shooting up or just a rash? Do you think you might have an infection on the way/ Go to a Dr to get it looked at. And it sounds like you R an addict. even if U use just sometimes, if your putting dope in your body chances R your a drug addict. so called “normal”people don’t stick needles in them selves to get high. They go …………fishing or whatever.

  91. xxjulzxxnailzxx Says:

    I’m going to be completely honest here, it sounds like none of you “so called addicts” have any idea what the hell you are talking about. I have been using heroin for years. There is no shame in being an addict. Everyone has issues and a lot of you “holier than thou” peeps leaving comments are probably crackheads anyway. A drug is a drug. No one is worse than the other.

    On to my point. You can use a few times and not be an addict. An addict is someone who is chemically and physically dependant on the drug. Someone who will go to any length to get their fix. Heroin is a physically dependant drug, unlike cocaine, if you don’t use you will experience withdrawals that can be fatal. Many people can use and put it down for months at a time, an addict cant.

    Track marks can’t be confused with a rash, they are either a circle or line most commonly on your “main vein” of pure scar tissue. The only way you get a “rash” from injecting heroin is if you miss your vein and your skin bubbles up and goes into a rash, or you have an allergic reaction to the cut in the dope. Use a new cotton every time so you don’t get cotton fever.

    *~~* To everyone who hasn’t used*~~* Don’t! There is no need to get hooked on a drug like this, I wish I would have listened to people before I was in the throws of active addiction. You will end up ripping people off, stealing, lying, being a shiesty mother fucker. You don’t want to end up on the streets selling your ass for a hit. I did it all for you.

  92. sandmann11007 Says:

    lose your only son and see how funny drugs are FUCK ALL YOU DRUGGYS!!!!!!!!

  93. lishe Says:

    Hey!!Well I’m still a kid and I probly shoudnt be looking up for stuff like this.
    I’m not on lookin up on how to use it but I’ve just finished reading a book about it and it was damn great,a true story n all!!After reading that I was quite curious but I think that people hwo use the stuff are just weak…You all think you’re in control,you all say that you can stop if you want to but once you’re an addict it’s over,it’s really hard to get out of it!If you want to use it go ahead that’s not my problem,I know the feeling is great and most of you are just looking for that,some of you just want to get away coz I know that life’s not easy and quite a few junkies have problems with their family so just to get away from all that shit they take H!!I honestly don’t think it’s the right thing to do but what do I know??I’m not saying I’ll never try it coz I probly will some time but I don’t think that I’ll become an addict,don’t ask why I just know I won’t…people hwo use say to people that don’t use that they are missing out on somit and they probly are but like some one said it’s an individual choise.I’m not here to juge people I’m just curious and I want poeple to now what I think about it.I’m not saying that it’s a good thing but how can people that don’t use say that it’s a bad thing??I’m not defending anyone but people have to try and understand before saying it’s a bad thing,most people that use have their resons.
    Junkies probly hurt their family but sometimes they have hurt them before.Most people don’t understand that,I don’t either,but it’s what I’m thinking right now.I’ve never lived any of the situations mentioned in other comments and if I did I might not think the same thing but I’m only 13 I’ve got time to learn even if some people start at my age I won’t and I probly won’t know where to find it anyway…Life’s messed up and I really meen that,if people want to fuck up they can and if they don’t they don’t have to, again it’s an individual choise but please don’t juge some one coz they’re a junkie it’s not fair on them.But users please if you feel ready try giving up the shit,it’s not good for you!!!!!Anyway if you have anything to say about what I’ve just said I think there’s my e-mail adress or if not then it’s
    I know that sweetalicia is a bit sad but I made my e-mail address when I was 9.
    BYE people xxxxx

  94. petros Says:

    hi i am very sorry about all i have heard funny ha?we are on 2007 and people do heroin tragic!!! the world is changing drugs have changed if you want to take drugs take something real good take M.D.M.A ALL THE OTHERS ARE JUST SUCKS!!!!

  95. Memento_Mori Says:

    Heroin is cool ! I really mean it !
    I ve used it for years when I was a junky…had its ups and downs…ofcourse not always fun…too many problems…money, family , friends …and of more importance many health problems…but you know …the euphoria felt after shooting the shit is beyond anything of this world…and one has to pay the price for such trance !
    i m clean for almost a year now I feel really good not doin smack , i miss it though…but if you love yourself and want to get the most from your life and simply have fun …Heroin never takes you anywhere near there !
    If you hate life, enjoy being alone wanna ruin everything ( i mean everything…future, your family , yourself ..) have no problem ending up behind bars and many more… here you go !

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