The Cats Landing on Feet Google Answer

from the I-(heart)-google dept.

Yet another use for everyone’s favorite search engine: asking (and receiving expert answers to) obscure questions about animals. Like, at what height will a cat NOT land on its feet?. My favorite part of this answer is the bit about the rumored “buttered-toast-cat antigravity device”: “Buttered toast always lands buttered side down; cats always land feet first; tie a piece of buttered toast onto the back of a cat and it can never hit the floor!”

One Response to “The Cats Landing on Feet Google Answer”

  1. Roostafer Says:

    Roostafer is the love of my life! he means the world to me! i dont know what i would do without my cat. He always seems to land on his feet when i through him out my window. But now that he has a terrible ear infection he doesnt always land on his feet, why is this?

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