Dubya’s Turnaround on the Middle East

from the up-close-and-personal dept.

From CNN (or AllPolitics, or Time, or something; I guess it doesn’t make much difference these days) comes this insider’s look at dubya’s recent change of heart about the need to pay attention to the Arab-Israeli conflict. I find it pretty interesting, but I realize that for some it will fall squarely into the category of the sort of sausage-making that is better left unexamined. Like a train wreck, though, it’s hard not to watch the President’s mind at work, the wheels slowly turning as he listens to the miniature devils and angels on his shoulders, the Rumsfelds and Cheneys and Powells with their “nuke ’em! nuke ’em all!” or, conversely, “be a statesman! make peace!” exhortations.

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