Crocodiles Warn of Earthquake, Are Ignored

from the if-only-they’d-use-English dept.

In the wake of the recent 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, officials at a wildlife park are reporting that 1,000 crocodiles started making strange grunting noises and scrambling for higher ground about 20 minutes before the quake struck. As is typical in such cases, human observers failed to make the connection between the animals’ unusual behavior and the impending catastrophe until it was too late. One crocodile, speaking on condition that he remain anonymous, likened the scaly beasts’ predicament to that of the character Legolas in the recent Lord of the Rings movie. “We say, ‘Hey. There’s some bad juju coming. We can feel it.’ But does anyone pay any attention to us? Of course not. We’re just dumb animals to you.” The creature went on to point out that his species has survived essentially unchanged since before the age of the dinosaurs. “T. Rex never paid any attention to us either.”

One Response to “Crocodiles Warn of Earthquake, Are Ignored”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    You have a great website. Keep up the good work.

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