Archive for the 'music' Category

Dutch Court Sides with KaZaA

Thursday, March 28th, 2002

from the bits-want-to-be-free! dept.

Yahoo News has the story of a Dutch appeals court ruling that says music-swapping service KaZaA is not liable for copyright abuses on the part of its users. Yay.

Britney and Justin Breaking Up??!!

Wednesday, March 27th, 2002

from the turn-my-world-upside-down dept.

Salon (among others) is carrying an AP story about a statement Britney Spears made at a recent press conference, denying that she is in “an intense relationship” with anyone. This is apparently fanning the flames of repressed lust in the hearts of many, including reader Anthony Grant, who writes, “Last night while Britney was relaxing in London, The Daily Mirror caught Britney in sex scandal with local boy Anthony Grant, 16.” You wish, Anthony.

REM’s Buck Denies Lying About Sleeping Pill

Tuesday, March 26th, 2002

from the that’s-me-in-the-courtroom dept.

As reported in Independent News, Peter Buck, guitarist for REM, recently denied in a London courtroom that he was lying when he said he’d taken a sleeping pill at the beginning of a transatlantic flight last April. Buck is accused of drinking too much wine and going on a drunken rampage on the British Airways flight; apparently he failed to mention the sleeping pill when he was originally arrested and questioned by police.

Wesley Willis Rocks

Saturday, March 16th, 2002

from the have-you-heard? dept.

I’m usually among the last to catch cultural phenomena, so the whole Wesley Willis thing may already have come and gone in your neck of the woods. If it hasn’t, though, and if the thought of a paranoid schizophrenic who writes in-your-face lyrics sounds interesting, you really should check your preferred song-swapping service for Cut the Mullet, which gets my vote for the best Wesley song ever.