Archive for July, 2015

cerceos: Robert Julian Onderdonk Blue Bonnets at Late…

Sunday, July 26th, 2015

Robert Julian Onderdonk – Blue Bonnets at Late Afternoon, 1915

Robert Julian Onderdonk – Bluebonnet Field, 1912

Robert Julian Onderdonk – Fields of Bluebonnets, 1923

Robert Julian Onderdonk – Bluebonnets at Twilight, near San Antonio, 1920

Robert Julian Onderdonk – Bluebonnets in Texas, 1915

Robert Julian Onderdonk – Bluebonnet Scene, 1921


Robert Julian Onderdonk

  1. Blue Bonnets at Late Afternoon, 1915
  2. Bluebonnet Field, 1912
  3. Fields of Bluebonnets, 1923
  4. Bluebonnets at Twilight, near San Antonio, 1920
  5. Bluebonnets in Texas, 1915
  6. Bluebonnet Scene, 1921

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kropotkitten:July 22, 2015, Belle Isle Marshi hope professor oak…

Sunday, July 26th, 2015


July 22, 2015, Belle Isle Marsh

i hope professor oak likes my photos

these are some sorta sandpiper but i don’t know which

I’m thinking those look like yellowlegs. There are two species of those in your area this time of year, and if I had to guess I’d say Lesser Yellowlegs. But they could also be Greater, or possibly some other shorebird; I’m not particularly good at eastern species.

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kropotkitten: mural of IWW labor organizer Joe Hill vandalized…

Saturday, July 25th, 2015


mural of IWW labor organizer Joe Hill vandalized by nationalists who painted a US flag over it.

Josh and Heidi Belka stood before what was once their mural of Joe Hill, which had boldly declared that “the capitalist class” killed him.

The mural — depicting the labor cause’s world-famous martyr, who was executed in Utah nearly 100 years ago — went up last week on the side of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees’ union building, at 526 W. 800 South in Salt Lake City.

“Fire Your Boss,” “Abolish the Wage System,” “Murdered by the Capitalist Class” and other phrases bordered a portrait of Hill and some of his protest song lyrics.

The union had voted to put up a mural, a project that the Belkas — who are members — took up. But sometime Monday night, someone painted over the mural with an American flag, destroying the Belkas’ project, two and a half years in the making.

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yulinkuang: marykatewiles: Zoe/Charlie/Annabelle/Edgar/Lily/Jam…

Saturday, July 25th, 2015



Zoe/Charlie/Annabelle/Edgar/Lily/James/MK/Sean go to #Vidcon


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Christoffer Collin

Saturday, July 25th, 2015

Christoffer Collin

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My dash did a thing!

Saturday, July 25th, 2015

My dash did a thing!

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roselerner: Meredith was not pleased with his likeness,…

Saturday, July 25th, 2015


Meredith was not pleased with his likeness, claiming “one eye looked completely dead” like “the eyes of a codfish kept for three days.” [x]

Imagine not thinking your Sargent portrait was flattering enough.

When [W. Graham Robertson] objected to wearing an overcoat during the summer, Sargent replied, “But the coat is the picture.” [x]

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freddie-photography: I have never before, had the fortune of…

Saturday, July 25th, 2015

The Lake District, Cumbria

Fields near Haltwhistle, Northumberland

Hadrian’s Wall, Northumberland

The Lake District, Cumbria

Hadrian’s Wall, Northumberland

Walltown Crags, Northumberland

The Lake District, Cumbria

The Lake District, Cumbria

The Lake District, Cumbria

The Lake District, Cumbria


I have never before, had the fortune of falling in love with a landscape so fast. Northumberland and Cumbria are some of the most beautiful places I have been.

By Freddie Ardley Photography

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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Furiosa’s slide under the rig

Saturday, July 25th, 2015



I was checking out this cool bts image Dayna Grant posted on Twitter:


And that made me want to check out the scene in the movie again.

Here she is running along the right side of the rig (because after Furiosa yelled “fool” she dove from the left side to the right, to avoid the Rock Riders’ bullets). Note the sun shining on the right side of the rig, with the left side in shadow:


The next shot has a little bit of a continuity issue, since she’s passing the same set of wheels a second time, but it’s no big deal:


Incoming Rock Rider from the left (now the sunny side):


Dayna slides under the rig – but from the left side: 


Rock Rider sliding in from the (now shady) left side:


…and catching Dayna!Furiosa’s legs, while we cut between two shots, the first of which has the sun on the left side of the rig, while the second, from a camera mounted under the rig, seems to show the sun back on the original right side:


I understand they made a decision early in the shoot not to worry too much about trying to maintain continuity with sun angles, which is fine.

But I’m fascinated by the decision to flop the fourth shot to show her sliding in from the left side of the rig rather than the right. Why did they do that? Were they trying to create a heightened sense of chaos/jeopardy by showing something that would subconsciously register as wrong while being too quick to consciously notice? I’ve read about Friedkin doing that with the wrong-way freeway chase in To Live and Die in L.A.; maybe it’s more of a thing than I realized?

It’s interesting! I mean the fact that Dayna’s right arm now has the prosthetic makes it clear that they *definitely* flopped the shot rather than blocked the stunt incorrectly and were stuck with non-matching footage. Good catch!

Adds to list of G Miller lift questions…

Haha. I was all comparing shadows and didn’t even notice her arm. I crack myself up sometimes.

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titancia: lies: Magic hourFor welovewebseries. I am now a new…

Saturday, July 25th, 2015



Magic hour

For welovewebseries.

I am now a new fan of Kissing in the Rain.

My time on this earth has not been wasted.

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azzandra:butchcommunist:kropotkitten:thejesusandmarxchain:do tumbleweeds actually blow around in the…

Saturday, July 25th, 2015





do tumbleweeds actually blow around in the southwest or is that a myth…?

!!! They do!!!

Tumbleweed is actually an invasive species from Siberia. What happens is when the soil gets too dry the roots come out of the ground and the plant curls up into a ball so that it can blow to a new spot. When it comes into contact with wet soil its roots will unfold and it will settle down. 

That is ten times more fucked up than I thought. They plant themselves again? That’s neat. I always thought they were just dead leaves and twigs in a bunch.

I like this. Tumbleweeds just fuck off when they don’t like a place, they are not like other plants who have to respect your plant rules, they are rebels.

Omfg tumblr.

Invasive species from Siberia: True

When soil gets too dry the roots come out of the ground and the plant curls into a ball: Not quite. The plant grows in the ball shape from the beginning, and when it’s fully mature it dies and dries out, with the part above ground eventually breaking off and rolling off. The roots stay behind.

When it comes in contact with wet soil its roots unfold and it resumes growing: No. Just no. kropotkitten is messing with you. The broken-off tumbleweed distributes seeds. It doesn’t replant itself.

This post is a tumbleweed that rolls across the wasteland of Tumblr, bouncing from dash to dash, driven by the hot wind of breathless credulity and lols.

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90377: 忘憂森林 by GoStop。

Saturday, July 25th, 2015


忘憂森林 by GoStop。

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virginiagentlenerd: hummeline: lies: Snuxsa Stark I fucking…

Friday, July 24th, 2015




Snuxsa Stark

I fucking can’t

Sansa rips open her cloak to reveal wasteland apocalyptic punk chic, wipes her face with ash and grease, and drives a sharpened femur bone into Ramsay’s face.

She jumps on her giga-bike – mounted with the skulls of Joffrey Baratheon and Tywin Lannister – and rides out into the Northern Wasteland. It is cold, and the Long Night is coming…but she is free.

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catonhottinroof: Elvi Maarni  (1907 – 2006)In the park

Friday, July 24th, 2015


Elvi Maarni  (1907 – 2006)

In the park

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Furiosa’s slide under the rig

Friday, July 24th, 2015

I was checking out this cool bts image Dayna Grant posted on Twitter:


And that made me want to check out the scene in the movie again.

Here she is running along the right side of the rig (because after Furiosa yelled “fool” she dove from the left side to the right, to avoid the Rock Riders’ bullets). Note the sun shining on the right side of the rig, with the left side in shadow:


The next shot has a little bit of a continuity issue, since she’s passing the same set of wheels a second time, but it’s no big deal:


Incoming Rock Rider from the left (now the sunny side):


Dayna slides under the rig – but from the left side: 


Rock Rider sliding in from the (now shady) left side:


…and catching Dayna!Furiosa’s legs, while we cut between two shots, the first of which has the sun on the left side of the rig, while the second, from a camera mounted under the rig, seems to show the sun back on the original right side:


I understand they made a decision early in the shoot not to worry too much about trying to maintain continuity with sun angles, which is fine.

But I’m fascinated by the decision to flop the fourth shot to show her sliding in from the left side of the rig rather than the right. Why did they do that? Were they trying to create a heightened sense of chaos/jeopardy by showing something that would subconsciously register as wrong while being too quick to consciously notice? I’ve read about Friedkin doing that with the wrong-way freeway chase in To Live and Die in L.A.; maybe it’s more of a thing than I realized?

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crimson rosella and friend.

Friday, July 24th, 2015

crimson rosella and friend.

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withnails: my life since i saw mad max do not become addicted

Friday, July 24th, 2015


my life since i saw mad max

do not become addicted

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do you happen to know what kind of animal the skull is from that the Keeper of seeds has? Thanks!

Friday, July 24th, 2015

!!! wow good point. It’s a fairly big skull so it’s not just a lizard but it looks like there’s not much else in the desert except people (unless they’re all hidden away with the LETS RUN AWAY FROM THESE CRAZY MOFOS).

I have no knowledge whatsoever of how to ID skulls other than that but I’m sure someone out there knows!

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allthingseurope: Cliffs of Moher, Ireland by Ryan

Friday, July 24th, 2015


Cliffs of Moher, Ireland by Ryan

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thegetty: Italy, Morning and EveningThese two paintings by…

Friday, July 24th, 2015


Italy, Morning and Evening

These two paintings

by French artist Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

portray Italy at the beginning and the end of a day and are thought to be pendants (a pair).

They show his view of an ideal Italy based on his memories of travels there.

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