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NGC4565 (Galaxy, in Coma Berenices, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web: )
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Sun Apr 9 01:05:00 2000 UT   Obs. no.: 526

Very beautiful at 40x. The central bulge was huge, and at 120x some more detail was visible in and around the nucleus.

M51 (Whirlpool Galaxy) (Galaxy, in Canes Venatici, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web: )
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Sun Apr 9 00:50:00 2000 UT   Obs. no.: 525

The spiral structure was quite difficult to make out, probably because of the 4d old moon about 15 degrees up in the sky. It was still definitely there, and awesomely beautiful! The disk clearly has an uneven surface brightness, and some parts of the arms were much brighter from the rest.

M87 (Galaxy, in Virgo, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web: )
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Sun Apr 9 00:50:00 2000 UT   Obs. no.: 524

Quite nice! At 120x the galaxy looked much like an unresolved globular cluster. As is typical for an elliptical galaxy, the surface is completely featureless. Three of M87's satellite galaxies were also visible : NGC4476, NGC4478 and NGC4486A.

NGC87 (Galaxy, in Phoenix, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web: )
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Sun Apr 9 00:50:00 2000 UT   Obs. no.: 523

Quite nice! At 120x the galaxy looked much like an unresolved globular cluster. As is typical for an elliptical galaxy, the surface is completely featureless. Three of M87's satellite galaxies were also visible : NGC4476, NGC4478 and NGC4486A.

M84 (Galaxy, in Virgo, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web: )
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Sun Apr 9 00:45:00 2000 UT   Obs. no.: 528

M84 and M86 were very bright. NGC 4438 and NGC 4435 were visible nearly blended into each other immediately next to them, NGC4438 being the larger of the two. NGC4388 was also visible.

NGC6207 (Galaxy, in Hercules, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web:
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Sun Apr 9 00:35:00 2000 UT   Obs. no.: 522

Easy at 120x. The disk was clearly elognated but quite dim. There was a stellar - looking object near the center of the disk, looked like the nucleus. Very near M13.

M13 (Hercules Cluster) (Globular Cluster, in Hercules)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web: )
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Sun Apr 9 00:20:00 2000 UT   Obs. no.: 529

A beauty. At 120x a great number of stars were resolved. Three strong branches stretched out from the center, and the cluster had a 3 - dimensional look somehow. No sign of the dark dustlanes, though.

NGC2903 (Galaxy, in Leo, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web: )
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Sun Feb 27 00:15:00 2000 UT   Obs. no.: 527

Beautiful. At 38x the galaxy was visible as a large, homogeneous glow with no sign of a spiral structure. I was surprised at the size of the object.

M82 (Galaxy, in Ursa Major, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web:
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: good
Time: Fri Sep 10 22:15:00 1999 UT   Obs. no.: 506

Quite nice at 96x, the dust lane was clearly visible. The edges were pretty distorted.

NGC3628 (Galaxy, in Leo, Est. RaDec 11 20.3 +13 36)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web:
Instrument: 4-inch equatorial reflector   Location: Pernajan Kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: excellent   Seeing: good
Time: Tue Apr 6 22:30:00 1999 UT   Obs. no.: 495

A very elognated, but not awfully thin Sab galaxy seen edge on. I could see no immediate details. The whole galaxy looked rather faint, and with no obvious brightenings. It was very easy at a 38X magnification with averted vision. I was actually looking for M65 and M66, but to my surprise I saw this "extra" galaxy in the field of view. Since I didn't see it on the previous night, I knew transparency was a lot better.

NGC891 (Galaxy, in Andromeda, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web:
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: excellent
Time: Sun Jan 31 21:40:00 1999 UT   Obs. no.: 505

Very faint at 38x, the elognated shape was clear though.

M1 (Crab Nebula) (Bright Nebula, in Taurus, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web:
Instrument: 8-inch Dobsonian reflector   Location: Pernajan kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: excellent
Time: Sun Jan 31 21:30:00 1999 UT   Obs. no.: 504

Pretty nice at 38x, the small glow had a prominent S - shape to it.

M108 (Galaxy, in Ursa Major, Est. RaDec -)
Observer: Eero Holmstrm (e-mail:, web:
Instrument: 4-inch equatorial reflector   Location: Pernajan Kirkonkyl, Pernaja, Finland
Light pollution: light   Transparency: good   Seeing: excellent
Time: Thu Jan 7 01:30:00 1999 UT   Obs. no.: 496

A nice, small, rather elognated galaxy easily in the same field of view as M97. M97 showed up a lot easier, although the visual magnitude is 12.0 (M108 is 10.7).

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