lies:Behind the Scenes on Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery…

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022


Behind the Scenes on Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party: Pre-Production!

Some really cool people are currently taking part of their one wild and precious life and using it to do something ambitious and hard that they don’t actually know, in their heart of hearts, they can pull off. Because it’s art, and making art means aiming at a higher place than any sane person would aim, risking failure and loss in return for the uncertain hope that maybe, if the fates are kind, magic will happen. And if it does then on the other side of the pain and blood there will be the cry of a newborn creation that didn’t exist before, and never would have existed, except that people came together and manifested their love of an idea into reality.

I’m so proud of them.

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