hartandgrace: shipwreckedcomedy: “I try to avoid looking…

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016



I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.” – Charlotte Brontë

How incredible is it that we got Ashley Clements to play Charlotte Brontë in Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party?

You may know Ashley from her work in The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Muzzled the Musical, and the upcoming romantic comedy feature, Non-Transferable.

Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party NOW ON KICKSTARTER!

You guys helped raise over $5,000 so quickly we had to announce our next cast member! Ashley will be simply perfect, can’t wait for you guys to see who’s next! 

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1nE57ps.