suicidesskwad: Hears to the hearts that ache.

Sunday, August 28th, 2016


Hears to the hearts that ache.

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schwarmerei1: youkaiyume: Just got home from watching “Kubo and the Two Strings” for the third…

Thursday, August 25th, 2016



Just got home from watching “Kubo and the Two Strings” for the third time, this time I went with coworkers and I was so happy when they all walked out of there going “that was ridiculously good, right? That wasn’t just me?” And it’s so great to hear the different ways in which they enjoyed and related to it from it’s artistry to the relationships between the characters and even the depiction of memory loss and dementia. And damn it’s just as great as the first time and I keep discovering all these things about it and omg I may or may not write Meta yargh I’m so in love. 

I am gnashing my teeth over the fact that next week’s session times are not childcare compatible for a second look.

But everyone else should go!

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