
Sunday, August 14th, 2016

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the-eldest-woman-on replied to your post:giving serious thought to declaring for mystic.I went…

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

I went mystic. I live in a highly populated area so all the nearby gyms have been changing a bunch, but of course as soon as I picked they all went red.

I took the younger offspring to lunch and discussed it with him. And then as we were walking to the CVS to buy paper I caught a Paras and leveled up, and there was a Mystic-held gym across the street and I took it as a sign.

I’ve been viewing it in GoT terms. To side with Valor would clearly have been in my interest, but it also felt like forming an alliance with the Lannisters. And whenever I thought of doing that this is what I pictured:

So. Team Mystic it is.

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