shipwreckedcomedy replied to your photoset: December 14, 2013: First day of KITR…

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016


replied to your



December 14, 2013: First day of KITR production…

It was 2013, actually!

I kept thinking there was something off there… Thank you!

I seriously need an editor. Just someone to follow me around through life, fact-checking and red-penciling my worst ideas and sending them back for a rewrite before publication. How cool would that be?

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shipwreckedcomedy replied to your photoset:Poe Party AU: Edgar + Annewe wondered if people would…

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

we wondered if people would recognize Emma right away :)

She looked familiar, but I needed IMDB to figure out why.

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koalakeys: “I decided to get a little creative this year. I…

Sunday, October 27th, 2013


“I decided to get a little creative this year. I present Edgar Allan Ho”

Oh man. Has shipwreckedcomedy seen this yet?

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