Umm you old creep who prob rapes kids get of tumblr

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

So I actually want to thank you for the ask, anon. Not for the hateful accusation (obviously, because srsly, wtf) but for the reminder of something I’ve been thinking about lately, which is how Tumblr gives me a chance to experience being a member of a disadvantaged minority, if only briefly and in a limited context.

I’m aware, on an intellectual level (mostly because of Tumblr itself) that I enjoy lots of privilege. I’m white, male, heterosexual, cisgendered… In almost every way it’s possible to have an undeserved, societally-enforced advantage, I have it.

I try to be aware of my privilege, and of the unfair discrimination that is its flipside. But that’s not the same as actually experiencing a tiny taste of discrimination myself.

Being subjected to slurs and negative stereotypes not because of anything I’ve done, but merely because you hold an irrational animus, sucks. And I can know that intellectually, but actually experiencing it firsthand is way more effective at helping me understand how unjust it is.

So thanks for the lesson. But no, I don’t plan to go away anytime soon. You should just block me. We’ll both be happier.

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