sylvia-morris replied to your post “I went on a spectacularly successful pelagic birding trip last…

Monday, July 16th, 2018

replied to your post
“I went on a spectacularly successful pelagic birding trip last Sunday….”

that red-necked pharalope is ADORABLE

This is definitely true. Phalaropes in general have a certain something that makes them cute as buttons. Is it the thin beak and elegant proportions? The clean, contrasting colors?

Fun fact: Phalaropes reverse the usual bird-world rule for sexual dimorphism. Wikipedia explains:

The sexual dimorphism and contribution to parenting are reversed in the three phalarope species. Females are larger and more brightly colored than males. The females pursue and fight over males, then defend them from other females until the male begins incubation of the clutch. Males perform all incubation and chick care, while the female attempts to find another male to mate with. If a male loses his eggs to predation, he will often rejoin his original mate or a new female, who will lay another clutch. Once it becomes too late in the season to start new nests, females begin their southward migration, leaving the males to incubate the eggs and care for the young. Phalaropes are uncommon among birds and vertebrates in general in that they engage in polyandry, one female taking multiple male mates while males mate with only one female. Specifically, phalaropes engage in serial polyandry, wherein females pair with multiple males at different times in the breeding season.[8]

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