matterofawesome replied to your post: It’s Thursday for one more minute, so …OBAMA!!!Here…

Friday, October 23rd, 2015

matterofawesome replied to your post: It’s Thursday for one more minute, so …


Here comes the CHANGE everybody!!

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matterofawesome replied to your post:Just wanted to say a brief thanks to the people I… Oh…

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

Oh wait! Stuff happened on Frankie MD too, I think? Were you talking about that? Confusionssss!!!!

No, the other one. You were right the first time.

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matterofawesome replied to your post “I have been tagged. First time, I think. At least the first…

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014

matterofawesome replied to your post “I have been tagged. First time, I think. At least the first time I…”

Thanks so much for doing this! Lost of new music for me to listen! :)

You are super welcome. I wouldn’t necessarily have chosen all of these exact songs, but the albums are all (with the possible exception of the Arcade Fire) ones that have meant a lot to me.

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matterofawesome replied to your post: perl -e ‘$a=”V jbhyq arire unir…

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

matterofawesome replied to your post: perl -e ‘$a=”V jbhyq arire unir yrnear…

¿qué es un shell prompt? ¿Se puede hacer en mac?

Um, Applications: Utilities: Terminal should give you a window that will allow you to paste the command at a shell prompt. Or, courtesy of Google Translate:

Aplicaciones: Utilidades: Terminal debe darle una ventana que le permitirá pegar el comando en el intérprete de comandos.

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Frida Kahlo, “Autorretrato con Collar de Espinas y…

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Frida Kahlo, “Autorretrato con Collar de Espinas y Colibrí” (“Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird”), 1940

Droll subversive gif artist unknown [x]

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#what is this awesomeness? According to my male offspring, who…

Saturday, February 1st, 2014

#what is this awesomeness?

According to my male offspring, who has a Tumblr the URL of which he refuses to tell me, though he also has told me (persistently) that I should give him the ‘lies’ tumblr URL, because I am totally squandering it with my creepy old-guy usage, so it’s possible he’s one of the ones who’ve already pestered me for it:

This is from the Adult Swim show Rick and Morty, specifically, from the preview for the yet-to-be aired episode Lawnmower Dog.

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Saturday, February 1st, 2014


lies replied to your photo
I’m sorry if that was true of your day today. Maybe if you watch the Ode video it will help?
lies Thank you :) And YEAH!! The ODE video was definitely an AWESOME, WONDERFUL, YES GOOD, PRETTY RAD THING in my day!
Can I use this reply to talk a bit…

There’s a wonderful generosity of spirit in Yulin’s work. It’s there in her enthusiasm for her little fandom. It’s there in the mood on-set in that behind-the-scenes video. And it’s there in the finished work, in the stories she chooses to tell and the manner in which she tells them.

I was thinking about this because of an item that Katie Moest (@orangepenguino, the LBD production designer) reblogged the other day about how unhappy George Clooney was with David O. Russell’s behavior on the set of Three Kings. And I’m a fan of David O. Russell’s movies, and maybe Clooney’s experience on that movie isn’t representative of who Russell is as a person, or even of how he typically behaves on set. And there’s a level on which it doesn’t matter, because the creation stands apart from the process that led to its creation. Big-budget Hollywood movies are a different sort of animal than micro-budget web videos, so it’s like comparing apples and oranges (or multinational apple-growing conglomerates and orange seeds, more like).

Edit: Oops. I posted this accidentally before I finished. Heh. Even the Tumblr app finds me long-winded and wants to help me hurry up and tl;dr already. :-)

I just wanted to say how lucky I feel to be able to enjoy the result of Yulin’s generous spirit. I can’t wait to see what she and her creative collaborators dream up next.

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I think Adele just says something like Que c’est beau or it’s beautiful!!

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

Ah, thank you! I assumed it was something like that, but it’s nice to get an informed opinion.

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