primarybufferpanel: bonehandledknife replied to your post:we-are-the-stories replied to your…

Tuesday, July 21st, 2015


bonehandledknife replied to your post:we-are-the-stories replied to your post:Hey I just…

SURPRISE, you’re a bnf #jazzhands!

This makes a lot more sense now I know you’re actually George Miller. I mean you talk to me, so obviously that makes me a BNF.

(I honestly just want to see Furiosa testing the hydraulics in her arm by doing jazz hands)

Apropos of not much, did you happen to see in the concept art how at one point there was going to be a tiny internal combustion engine and fuel tank on her prosthetic? That is, it was going to be guzzoline-powered? I think I’m happy that didn’t make it to the end, because it would have had to be one of those whiny little engines like model cars and planes had when I was a kid, and it would have been annoying to have the sound of that in the movie.

Anyway, jazz hands made me think of that.

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