icarus-suraki: It’s literally 5:30 in the morning, but I had this dream that is so charming to me…

Saturday, September 16th, 2017


It’s literally 5:30 in the morning, but I had this dream that is so charming to me that I just have to write it down:

I just dreamed that I was organizing a showing of a film titled Tea with Princess Firehand for work at the library. That’s the top layer of the dream. We would show the film and have tea and a discussion. The next layer down is the film itself.

Tea with Princess Firehand is, in this dream, a Japanese film about the editor of a prestigious tea journal. In and amongst all the articles he receives on the history of tea and tea ceremonies, tea equippage, tea houses and gardens, thoughts on growing tea in the face of climate change, &c, he receives a piece of fanfiction. In the fanfiction story, a character called Princess Firehand (which is a ridiculous name, and I blame my sleeping brain) is doing tea–maybe for some other characters, I’m not really sure, but it’s fanfic and it’s her thoughts and feelings during this tea preparation. I think Firehand is from an anime, possibly a game.

So the editor gets this and at first he thinks its a joke or an insult and tosses it aside with the other rejected articles and it gets covered up under other submissions. 

Of course, he finds it again when he’s clearing off his desk and reads the first paragraph. And then the second. And the third. And the next think he knows, he’s sitting there reading the whole thing.

And while it’s not great literature, he’s still sort of charmed by it and drawn in, somehow. So, as you might guess, he looks up whatever it is this character Princess Firehand is in and watches or plays that (which is out of character for him, but that’s the point) and then he decides to go out and find the author. (There’s a gap here; I just remember this image of the editor riding on a train with the story in his lap.)

That’s about all I can remember but after about 3 nights of nightmares, I’m kind of delighted with this. I’ll take it.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/2xH31yE.

fungusqueen:The rains have left so many tiny beautiful things in my backyard. I found a monarch…

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017


The rains have left so many tiny beautiful things in my backyard. I found a monarch butterfly chrysalis, lady bugs, lots of cute raindrops on clovers, mosses, and some mushrooms I didn’t think grew in my area. 

Reposted from http://ift.tt/2ktk7s1.

mostlythemarsh: For You

Sunday, July 10th, 2016


For You

Reposted from http://ift.tt/29zaEed.

dwightyoumonkeyslut: some more characters from everyone’s…

Thursday, March 24th, 2016


some more characters from everyone’s favorite webseries-to-be!

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1Rq09XV.

Annotated Guide to the Unnamed Vuvalini

Wednesday, July 8th, 2015


For your cosplay/fanart/fic/generally keeping track of them needs.



You know Keeper and Maddie and Valkyrie… but do you recall
The least famous Vuvalini of alllllllllll

Left to right in this screencap, (casting as near as I can figure from BTS pictures and squinting a lot at headshots where they’re washed and wearing makeup):

V1 (Gillian Jones) – “There’s something in the eyes.” Dark grey hair always in braids, yellow hood and aviator style goggles. Survives to the end and drives Gigahorse back to the Citadel, LIKE A BOSS


V2 (Antoinette Kellermann) – “The men. Who are they?” Wavy white hair and round goggles. Third to “die” when the War Boys pull the roof off the Rig’s cab. LOOK, IT’S JUST A LITTLE CONCUSSION, SHE’S GONNA WALK IT OFF


V3 (Melita Jurisic) – “One man, one bullet”. Hair in braids in the first Vuvalini scene and then confusingly down afterward. Round goggles, splashes of red in her outfit. Takes a thunderstick in the back cab but BOUNCES BACK FUCK YEAH AND SHE OFFICIALLY DEFINITELY LIVES TO THE END


V4 (Joy Smithers) – “But if you came from the west…” Aviator style goggles and leather hood. Has to reload powder and lead shot every time she kills a man, which is a pretty good reason to only use one bullet per man. Thrown off the rig by Rictus BUT SHE’S NOT DEAD I REFUSE


V3 and V4 are v. married and I’m not going to budge on this. 


And as you already know, Valkyrie and Maddie (Christina Koch, probably, by process of elimination) aren’t dead either. 


Reposted from http://ift.tt/1HbQflm.