flameysaur mentioned you in a video: awalnutwithablog: theraptorcage: …

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

hungry Boy

AH! AH! AH!!!!


@ lies Do you know what…

It looks like a fledgling American crow (or a similar related species; there are a few different crows that are pretty similar).

When we first moved to our current home there was a pine tree in the front yard that crows nested in a few times, and you’d hear a lot of this in the spring and summer as the young ones were growing up and competing with each other for their parents’ attention when the adults returned with food.

As the fledglings grow they will often push one another out of the nest, and the ejected babies sometimes end up in a wildlife rehab center. It looks like maybe the OP of that post is someone who works in such a place.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/2eYoDNb.

echojar replied to your post:  For scienceseveral months?sophisticatedajumma replied to…

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

echojar replied to your post:  For science

several months?

sophisticatedajumma replied to your postFor science

6 months??

flameysaur replied to your postFor science

I feel like a month or two.

aeternamente replied to your postFor science

since at least the beginning of the year i think…

About 5 months, as it turns out. (I thought it had been longer.) Replies went away around the beginning of November.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1WUTuGD.

flameysaur replied to your photoset:”I don’t need nice. I don’t need myself to be it,… I read…

Saturday, January 24th, 2015

I read these gifs and though, ‘Oh neat,’ and almost scrolled past before I saw you made them and then I was like, “I need to like this now! I must support my good friend Mr. Burne—I mean, Lies.”

Both of us appreciate the support!

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1CzT28N.