Is it me or is the anti movement… really american? We have that stereotype over here that americans are super uptight about sex and super shy about it and obsessed with purity and hiding it from the children and stuff. Idk as a european it always striked me as a product of american culture

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

it’s very, very American. While there are certainly antis who aren’t American, many of them are.

I have a lot of theories as to why this is, but a lot of them are covered in this post: anti-shipping as the cool new trend (while it’s mostly about the age bracket of anti-shippers as of June 2017 (this time last year), it’s an americentric post talking almost entirely about US phenomena).

tl;dr version? anti-shipping is:

  • the natural result of growing up both LGBT+/queer and marinated in American-flavored Puritan Christianity/purity culture 
  • with a side order of valuing safety over freedom 
    • b/c you’ve always had freedom of information 
    • but you’ve never known a sense of security 
    • thanks to lifelong internet access 
    • paired with post-9/11 paranoia.
  • add a dash of radical feminism/exclusionist thinking

  • never being taught how to think critically, and
  • zero education on sex of any kind, and

viola: anti-shippers. 

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