hi! so i saw your post about how youre the oldest person here and i want to ask you what’s your earliest memory?

Noting for the record that after jokingly going on for a time about being the oldest person on tumblr I subsequently found several who are older. The oldest I’ve ever come across is @fvfarm, who has not posted in a few years, but who was still going strong at the age of 94 the last time I had an update.

@dduane is active, and according to Wikipedia is 69, with a birthday coming up in May, which makes her just a few months less than 10 whole years older than me.

But that aside…

My earliest memory is of being driven by my mom past a preschool that she told me I would begin attending in a few days. I would have been 3 or 4 at the time, which would put it somewhere around 1965 or 1966.

Thanks for asking! What’s your earliest memory?

Reposted from https://lies.tumblr.com/post/675727916474269696.

Tags: oldest person on tumblr, lies tumblr url.

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