I think the thing with the Tumblr content review system is that they decided to treat reblogs of…

I think the thing with the Tumblr content review system is that they decided to treat reblogs of disputed content as collateral damage. They have a very overly broad machine-learning algorithm (presumably) with a high false-positive rate. So they slap adult-content restrictions on a post, and every reblog of that post. Then, when and if the OP notices and requests review they have an unpaid intern (or whomever) plow through the queue and go yup, that’s cool, that’s cool, that’s cool… And the posts flagged as cool get the restriction lifted.


The reblogs stay restricted. Forever. And Tumblr just says, in effect, LMAO LOL hahaha and moves on.

So I delete the original reblog and reblog again. But it’s dumb, and it breaks the web for no particular reason other than ineptitude and sloth.


Reposted from https://lies.tumblr.com/post/654125582880210944.

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