ltwilliammowett: The I love you lighthouse, by Juergen…


The I love you lighthouse, by
Juergen Roth

The I Love You lighthouse
is perched facing out into the Atlantic and was build 1855 and sends the first light 1860, on the exposed Minot’s Ledge —
named after George Minot, an 18th-Century Boston Merchant who lost a
valuable ship on the rocks prior to construction of the lighthouse. The
ledge is part of the Cohasset Rocks, off Massachusetts, USA.

When, in 1894, a new flashing lantern was installed in the 34-year-old lighthouse it had a 1-4-3 sequence and very soon the number sequence was taken to represent I Love You (I /1 flash, Love /4 flashes, You /3 flashes). Over the
years this simple lighthouse code has been a comfort to sailors from the
area, their sweethearts and families.

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