joannalannister: At last, weary and feeling finally defeated, he sat on a step below the level of…


At last, weary and feeling finally defeated, he sat on a step below the level of the passage-floor and bowed his head into his hands. It was quiet, horribly quiet. The torch, that was already burning low when he arrived, sputtered and went out; and he felt the darkness cover him like a tide. And then softly, to his own surprise, there at the vain end of his long journey and his grief, moved by what thought in his heart he could not tell, Sam began to sing. 

His voice sounded thin and quavering in the cold dark tower: the voice of a forlorn and weary hobbit that no listening orc could possibly mistake for the clear song of an Elven-lord. He murmured old childish tunes out of the Shire, and snatches of Mr. Bilbo’s rhymes that came into his mind like fleeting glimpses of the country of his home. And then suddenly new strength rose in him, and his voice rang out, while words of his own came unbidden to fit the simple tune.

The Return of the King

Sam starts singing in the darkness! I had completely forgotten this from my last read! And it’s Sam’s singing that turns the tide and lets him find Frodo! What a beautiful moment, what a perfect example of eucatastrophe. I feel like I’ve found a gem, I feel like I’ve found part of the inspiration for GRRM’s series title. 

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