hunterinabrowncoat: troyella: the fact that people need to be TOLD to wash their hands has me like…



the fact that people need to be TOLD to wash their hands has me like 🤢🤢🤢

Okay but like the coronavirus advice isn’t just that you should wash your hands a regular amount, it’s that you should wash your hands as often as possible.

Washing your hands after going to the bathroom, before prepping or eating food, if they’ve got dirty etc is a normal amount. People should be doing that all the time anyway.

The advice atm is on top of that, to wash your hands as soon as you get home, as soon as you get to school/work, if you touch your face, before and after you touch other people, especially if they’re immunocompromised or sick, and after you’ve been in public places, especially crowded places where everyone has been touching the same handrails, door handles, lift buttons etc.

Mentioned this on That Other Platform, but something I hadn’t thought of until a coworker (who has a family member possibly with covid quarantining with them) mentioned it: not just wash your hands all the time and be careful with fomites and try not to touch your face, but if you do need to touch your face (like to brush and floss or whatever), wash your hands before and after. Before to protect you. After to protect everyone else in case you’re carrying the virus and are pre- or asymptomatic.

Until we get testing [white-hot rage about lack of testing deleted] we’re all playing a very particular game together, and we’re all on offense and defense at the same time.

Go team.

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Tags: covid-19.

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