fatchance: Kestrel news: I returned from my Great Lakes trip…


Kestrel news: I returned from my Great Lakes trip just in time to see the baby kestrel fledge. I spotted Junior hiding in the Mexican bird of paradise bush in the back yard while his parents kept watch overhead. 

Hopping and half-flying is demanding work for a young raptor. I caught him dozing after all his exertions in the bottom photo. 

You can see more of my kestrel photos here

Etymology note: Scientifically speaking, American kestrels are named Falco sparverius. Falco because they are superlative raptors, and sparverius because of their dietary affinity for small birds, like sparrows, though I think the bird carcass in the top photo is more likely the remains of a dove. 

Reposted from https://lies.tumblr.com/post/186774318786.

Tags: birds, amke, adorable little murderbabies.

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