debunkshy: Olive-sided Flycatcher (Dane County year bird #231),…


Olive-sided Flycatcher (Dane County year bird #231), photobombed by a proud Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

Pheasant Branch, WI


One had been reported at Los Alamos County Park, which was sort of on the way for my trip home, so I stopped in to see if I could find it. It was very windy, which had the birds under cover and made it hard to hear vocalizations, but it still was fun (fact: birding is always fun).

I’d given up and was walking back to my car when I saw a bird fly to the top of a tall radio antenna on the hill west of the park. It was pretty far away, but in the binocs I could see the short tail, big head, and white belly contrasting with the dark sides. Yay! The universe rewarding me again!


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Tags: birds, carp without cars, santa barbara county year list, osfl.

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