sashayed: salthegarbageking: sashayed: listen………not to be dramatic but Vine was the greatest…




listen………not to be dramatic but Vine was the greatest narrative innovation since the written word & getting rid of it is a crime

I dunno, motion pictures were a pretty big deal.

Jesus Christ it’s the twitter of video, get over it. There were some quality yuks and good uses made of the format but it was ultimately a fad and all fads come to an end. 

This really is an exaggeration of the highest degree.

You really think people would make videos in which there was such a time constraint for that long without getting tired of the gimmick? I don’t see it.

“X is not significant / it’s merely the Y of Z” delivered by the previous generation to its successor is an old/weak/sad/funny/ironic/perpetual argument.

TO: previous generation
FR: succeeding generation
RE: significance

It’s not about you.

Reposted from

Tags: possible sashayad is older than mr cineaste crankypants, generation in this case isn't necessarily chronological, but more about seriation.

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