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Tags: maybe?, children of men, and honestly, love this movie, this shot is a little goofy-looking, mainly because that sea state clearly shows, they're in a smallish space, with localized waves being reflected all about, rather than out at the buoy they're supposed to be at, but that's a very tiny failing, in a beautifully powerful moment in the story, I don't know how you'd ever make a movie with anatomically correct ocean in it, to the eyes of someone who really knows, for any kind of reasonable budget, i don't think i've ever seen one, and i look for it every time, the truth about spring, though i watched that in the throes of my first celebrity crush, so i may have been cutting it unwarranted slack, if you've read all these tags, hoping for the name of _this_ movie, you have my respect and admiration, also my pity, because you haven't seen it, or at least not enough to know this shot immediately.

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