“What the fuck is going on? Donald Trump! Donald fucking Trump! He’s a jackass reality TV star….”

“What the fuck is going on? Donald Trump! Donald fucking Trump! He’s a jackass reality TV star. He’s goddamn clueless. For fuck’s sake, this can’t be happening. Can it? Fucking fuck. Why isn’t anyone calling it out? It’s like Alice in fucking Wonderland. How can we be doing this? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.”

What politics blogger Kevin Drum thinks but does not say every time he’s writing a post about Trump

Reposted from http://ift.tt/2c1Di7P.

Tags: but, and yeah, my politics post for the day, maybe for the week if we're lucky, i've been reading pretty much everything kevin has written on his blog since 2003, more than anyone else I follow online, his views on politics hew very very closely to my own, not just in terms of who and what he supports, and opposes, but his reasons why, pretty much this, trump can't win as long as we have much at all of a country left, hillary's plane could go down, and then where would we be?, and even though he will lose and be consigned to whatever hole he lives his life in, and we can stop collectively obsessing over his spray tan, and small fingers, and narcissism, there is a real damage being done, in placing in the mainstream, someone willing to tear away the tissue-paper façade, between what this country aspires to be, and what it risks being, and finally this, i'm politically liberal, i'm deeply committed to progressive change, but there needs to be a tension in the marketplace of ideas, there need to be competing views compellingly articulated, or corruption and failure will inevitably follow.

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