End Screen Decoding, Poe Party Chapter 1, “The Bells”Took some…

End Screen Decoding, Poe Party Chapter 1, “The Bells”

Took some careful lip-reading, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got it:

Gif 1: Louisa May has just announced, “I mean to fetch an inspector.” (See trailer around 0:35.) She stares at Poe, expectantly.

Gif 2: Poe: “If you think I can feed more guests at this point you must be crazy.”

Gif 3: Poe: “Even a drunk orangutan can’t expect us to make more soup now!”

Gif 4: Lousa May: “All right.”

Gif 5: Annabel, holding Eddie’s head, still very much in the denial phase: “He’s getting worse!”

Gif 6: Charlotte: “I’m fetching an Uber.”

There’s a pause, then Oscar giggles:

Reposted from http://ift.tt/2c03nCE.

Tags: gifs, my gifs, poeparty, poe party, end screen decoding.

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