Save Your Lucky Eggs and Evolutions



Here’s a trick to leveling up fast: collect a bunch of pokemon before doing any evolutions. I usually do this at the end of the day. Use a lucky egg to double you’re XP gain for the next 30 minutes. Then do all your evolutions.

Evolutions give you tons of XP, although the amount depends on which pokemon you are evolving. Start with the pokemon you really want to evolve then move on to evolving some weak pokemon like weedle. Simple evolves like this give out more XP per candy, so you can evolve more pokemon and receive more total XP. Add the lucky egg to that and you’ll be leveling up fast. Once you’ve leveled up your pokemon, of course you can keep them or transfer them to the professor to get back one candy.

Addendum: after I finished evolving all my Pokemon, I still had about 20 minutes on my lucky egg so I threw down a lure for 30 minutes. This all took me from the very low end of Level 13 to nearly-ready to graduate Level 14 in half an hour.

I’ve been doing this too. Pidgeys are good for this kind of low-level evolution grinding because there are so many of them (at least where I’m playing) and they only need 12 candy to evolve.

Other things you can do to maximize XP gain during the lucky egg’s half hour: time it so as many eggs as possible complete their incubation during that interval, do it in a place where there are lots of Pokestops, and use an incense and/or lures to make sure there are lots of Pokemon to catch.

I leveled up from 9 to 11 yesterday morning doing this, hit 12 on my lunch hour, then took a walk last night that got me to 13. The Carpinteria State Beach has a bunch of Pokestops, and people were putting out lures and having a grand time. At one point I passed a group of six or seven players talking with a park ranger. I came in in the middle of their conversation and didn’t linger (my lucky egg was running out and I had four incubating eggs that still needed 400 meters or so), but the part I overheard was the ranger explaining about the park rules and nighttime curfews, while expressing shock about how many people were wandering around. The players were sympathetic and expressed their willingness to cooperate, but also let him know that people were just going to keep coming. As I walked away they were showing him the game so he could see where the Pokestops were.

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Tags: Pokemon.

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