radiantvii: anakintrashblog: no but this actually makes me…



no but this actually makes me laugh so hard?? like can you imagine??

I need to add this here really quick:

Heh. Clearly he’d conditioned himself to the point where he didn’t notice. It’s like the thing Alex Trebek talks about with Jeopardy, where sometimes they’ll get a contestant who’s a huge fan and has always shouted out the answer while playing along at home – but not in the form of a question. So then they have a super hard time adjusting on the actual show.

Now picturing Ewan McGregor as a kid playing for hours going, “vwoooom vwoooom xchxchxchxchxchx vwoom vwoom vwooooooooo!”

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1OcjQAK.

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