The case for starting sex education in kindergarten

The case for starting sex education in kindergarten:




THIS. THIS is what we need, America. THIS.

Seven year olds can properly name the genitilia that they have, as well as the genitles others have.

Eleven year olds know that girls can like girls and boys can like boys and that its even okay to like neither, or both, or multiple.

Thirteen year olds know what a condom is and how to say no when someone wants to kiss but you don’t.

This is AMAZING. I want THIS! I would LOVE to have this education and openess in my life.

Telling a group of teenagers to wait until they’re married is:

a) not going to do /shit/, did you really think they were going to listen to you


b) none of your FUCKING business, I’m gonna have a post coming up about this so stay tuned.

This is what sexual education is about. This is what it needs to consist of. This is what I wish I had learned.

Take note, America, because you’re doing a really shitty job.


Not to mention that this method has been proven to reduce the amount of childhood sexual abuse that occurs. By teaching children what consent means, that no one has the right to touch you without permission, children are more likely to report sexual abuse and to recognize it.

My country fucks up on plenty of things but this is not one of them

And my country fucks up on plenty of things, but this is definitely up there as one of the worst.

Reposted from

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