foxnewsofficial: david: wizardries: Can Tumblr make it so we can reply to people’s posts…




Can Tumblr make it so we can reply to people’s posts again? 

Yes! Replies were admittedly way too limited and barely used. (Only a few thousand blogs a month were even receiving them.) They’re down for upgrades but will be back and much improved! Thanks for your patience. 🐬

just because some nerds didn’t get any replies doesn’t mean we, the popular kids, should be punished

Maybe the thing I’ve been missing in @david’s reply is the significance of the word “receiving”. Maybe he means there’s some metric they have that says that while many people were _leaving_ replies, only a few thousand people were ever bothering to actually _read_ them. Because you’d have to look at notifications, or at the notes on a post, to see the replies, and most people weren’t doing that?

Nope, p. sure that doesn’t work either. David’s statement is either just flat wrong, either because he’s accidentally misconstruing the asker’s question or misspoke in his answer, or he’s just lying, and doing so in a weirdly obvious way.

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Tags: tumblr lies, the creepy dude I can't unfollow.

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